NASA Acronyms -R-


R BAR radius vector axis
R DOT range rate to target, (+) opening, (-) closing
R IMP minimum range to avoid plume impingement
R Rankine
R gas constant
R radiometer
R roentgen
R yaw Rankine rate
R&CC recorder and communication control
R&D research and development
R&DO Research and Development Operations (MSFC)
R&E research and engineering
R&M reliability and maintainability
R&P reserve and process
R&PM research and program management
R&QA reliability and quality assurance
R&R remove and replace
R&R rendezvous and recovery
R&S reliability and safety
R&T research and technology
R&Z range and zero
R-T resistance test
R/A radar altimeter
R/C radio command
R/C rate of climb
R/C remote control
R/D rate of descent
R/E reentry
R/E right-hand engine
R/I receiving inspection
R/L rate limited
R/L remote/local
R/M reliability/maintainability
R/O roll-out
R/R remove and replace
R/S range safety
R/S redundant set
R/T real time
R/T receive/transmit
R/T receiver/transmitter
R/T reference trajectory
R/T room temperature
R/W read/write
R/W runway
R3 rotary reciprocating refrigerator
R3S rapid records retrieval system
RA radar altimeter
RA range area
RA right aft
RA right ascension
RAAB remote amplifier acquisition and advisory box
RAAB remote amplifier and adaptation box
RAAB remote application and advisory box
RAAN right ascension of ascending node
RABF radio astronomy bandstop filter
RAC Reliability Action Center
RACCS remote automatic checkout and calibration system
RACF Resource Access Control Facility
RACS remote automatic calibration system
RACU remote acquisition and control unit
RAD radiation absorbed dose
RAD research and advanced development
RAD roentgen absorbed dosage
RADC Rome Air Development Center
RADCC Radiation Control Center
RADK radiation conduction value
RADOP radiator optimization computer code
RADVS radar altimeter and Doppler velocity sensor
RAE radio astronomy explorer
RAE range, azimuth, and elevation
RAF requirements analysis form
RAG reusable agenda
RAHF-VT Research animal holding facility verification
RAI radar altimeter indicator
RAI review action item
RAI roll attitude indicator
RAJPO Range Application Joint Program Office
RAL responsibility assignment list
RALPH reduction and acquisition of lunar pulse heights
RALT radar altimeter
RAM Reliability Assessment Model
RAM radar absorption material
RAM random access memory
RAM requirements allocation matrix
RAM research and applications module
RAM resource allocation manager
RAM responsibility assignment matrix
RAMA recap and movement authorization
RAMAC random access method of accounting and control
RAMCS remote automatic measuring and calibration system
RAMP replenishment activity management plan
RAMPS resource analysis and mission planning system
RAN Royal Australian Navy
RANC radar absorption noise and clutter
RANN research applied to national needs
RAP reliability assurance program
RAP reserve auxiliary payload
RAP responsibility accounting program
RAPCON radar approach and control
RAPP Resource and Planning Program
RAR resource accommodation report
RAS reacquisition sensor
RAS remote access set
RAS requirements accounting system
RAS requirements allocation sheet
RAS reuse all systems
RASM remote analog submultiplexer
RATCC Radar Air Traffic Control Center
RATO rocket-assisted takeoff
RAU remote access unit
RAU remote acquisition unit
RAUIS remote acquisition unit interconnecting station
RAWS role-adaptable weapons system
RAX remote access computing system
RAX remote access terminal
RAZEL range, azimuth, and elevation
RB radar beacon
RB rubber base
RBA radar beacon antenna
RBA recovery beacon antenna
RBC red blood cells
RBC rotating beam ceilometer
RBDE radar bright display equipment
RBE radiation biological effectiveness
RBET relative BET
RBK right bank
RBL right buttock line
RBMT retrospective bibliographies on magnetic tape
RBN radio beacon
RC radio command
RC radio control
RC range command
RC rate command
RC reaction control
RC recovery controller
RC recurring cost
RC reinforced concrete
RC resistance-capacitance
RC reverse current
RC rotation control
RC rotational control
RCA Radio Corporation of America
RCA remote control amplifier
RCAG remote center air-ground
RCB remote circuit breaker
RCC Range Commanders' Council (DOD)
RCC Regional Control Center
RCC range control center
RCC recovery control center
RCC redundancy connection control
RCC reinforced carbon-carbon
RCC reusable carbon-carbon
RCC rough combustion cutoff
RCCA rough combustion cutoff assembly
RCCB Rockwell Configuration Control Board
RCCB remote central circuit breaker
RCCP recorder and communications control panel
RCI request for contract investigation
RCL reliability control level
RCM reliability-centered maintenance
RCN Rockwell communication network
RCN requirements change notice
RCP Radiation Constraints Panel
RCP right circular polarizer
RCR requirements change request
RCR retrofit configuration record
RCS reaction control system (subsystem)
RCS received command sync
RCS reentry control system
RCS requirements collection system
RCSC reaction control subsystem controller
RCU remote control unit
RCVS remote control video switch
RCY remaining cycles
RD radiation detection
RD reference designator
RD released drawing
RD requirements document
RD root diameter
RDA remote data access
RDA resident data area
RDC reference designator code
RDC request for design change
RDC request for document change
RDC request for drawing changes
RDCS reconfiguration data collection system
RDD requirements definition document
RDF radio direction finder
RDF resource data file
RDGS reconfiguration display generation system
RDL reconfigurable design language
RDM real-time data manager
RDO relational data base operator
RDOC reference designation overflow code
RDOS real-time disk operating system
RDP receive and data processor
RDP requirements data plan
RDP requirements development plan
RDR raw data recorder
RDS Rocketdyne digital simulator
RDT&E research, development, test, and evaluation
RDW response data word
RDW return data word
RE resolution element
RE responsible engineer
RE&T research engineering and test
REA rocket engine assembly
REAM rocket engine assembly module
RECON remote console
RECP request for engineering change proposal
RECS representative environmental control system (Shuttle)
REDAC Rockwell electronic design analysis code
REDB Rockwell engineering data base
REFSMMAT reference stable member matrix
REI range from entry interface
REI runway-end identification
REIL runway-end identification lights
RELMAT relative matrix
RELSAT reliability for satellite (equipment in severe environment)
REM release engine module
REM release escape mechanism
REM release-engagement monitor
REM rocket engine module
REM roentgen equivalent man
RETS reconfigurable electrical test stand
REU remote electronics unit
REVS requirements engineering and validation system
RF new risk factor
RF radio frequency
RF right forward
RF risk factor
RF-TK radio frequency tracking
RFA RF authorization
RFA request for action
RFB ready for baseline
RFB request for bid
RFC radio frequency chart
RFC request for change
RFCA radiator and flow control assembly
RFCA radiator flow control assembly
RFCP request for computer program
RFD requirements formulation document
RFDA radio frequency deployed assembly
RFDU radio frequency and digital unit
RFE request for estimate
RFECP request for engineering change proposal
RFEI request for engineering information
RFHA reusable flight hardware authorization
RFI radio frequency interference
RFI remote facility inquiry
RFI remote file inquiry
RFI request for information
RFO request for order
RFP request for program
RFP request for proposal
RFP requirements and formulation phase
RFPA request for proposal authorization
RFQ request for quotation
RFTCP request for test change proposal
RFTS radio frequency transmission system
RFU radio frequency unit
RFW request for waiver (deviation)
RG radio guide
RG rate gyro
RGA rate gyro assembly
RGA residual gas analysis
RGAL rate gyro assembly, left SRB
RGAO rate gyro assembly, orbiter
RGAR rate gyro assembly, right SRB
RGP rate gyro package
RGR repairable generator rate
RGRF repair generation rate forecast
RH relative humidity
RH right-hand
RHC remote hand controller
RHC rotational hand controller
RHCP right-hand circular polarization
RHCP right-hand circularly polarized
RHCTO rotational hand controller takeover
RHEB right-hand equipment bay
RHEC radiation-hardened emulating computer
RHFEB right-hand forward equipment bay
RHL residual hazards list
RHP right-hand panel
RHS Rocketdyne hybrid simulator
RHS right-hand side
RHSC right-hand-side console
RHT radiant heat temperature
RHU radioisotope heater unit
RHW response header word
RHW router header word
RI radioisotope
RI record ID
RI register immediate
RIADB Rockwell integrity assurance data base
RIB radioisotope/Brayton
RIB recoverable item breakdown
RIB right inboard
RIC resistance, inductance, and capacitance
RICA Rockwell interdivisional contract agreement
RICC remote intercomputer communications
RICE remote inertial and control equipment
RICMOS radiation-hard inverse CMOS
RICP real-time interactive computer program
RID review item disposition
RIDI receiving inspection detailed instruction
RIDS Rockwell integrated defense simulator
RIE right inboard elevon
RIF relative importance factor
RIG rate integration gyro
RIGA rate-integrating gyro assembly
RIGI receiving inspection general instruction
RIL recoverable items list
RIL repairable items list
RIM resource inventory management
RIMS RIM system
RIMSS Rockwell International modular satellite system
RIPS radar impact prediction system
RIQ Rockwell International quote
RIR reportable items report
RIS reporting identification symbol
RISC Rockwell Integration Support Contract
RISE-C Rockwell International Shuttle equipment cradle
RISKAC risk acceptance
RISNET risk management analysis system
RISOP red integrated strategic operations plan
RIT request for interface tooling
RIU remote interface unit
RJ/EC reaction jet/engine control
RJC reaction jet control
RJD reaction jet device
RJD reaction jet driver
RJDA reaction jet driver aft
RJDF reaction jet driver forward
RJE remote job entry
RJOD reaction jet/OMS driver
RL reimaging lens
RL return link
RLA repair-level analysis
RLC remote load controller
RLE responsible lab engineer
RLEO request for liaison engineering order
RLG ring laser gyro
RLT return line tether
RM redundancy management
RM reference mission
RM relay mirror
RM remedial maintenance
RM remote manipulator
RM rendezvous maneuver
RM rescue module
RM resource management
RM resupply module
RM right mid
RM&P reliability, maintainability, and producibility
RM&QA reliability, maintainability, and quality assurance
RM/AS risk management/assessment system
RMA reliability, maintainability, and availability
RMA remote manipulator arm
RMC redundancy management control
RME radiation monitoring equipment
RMF RCS module forward
RMG right main gear
RMI radio magnetic indicator
RMOP resource management operation plan
RMP risk management plan
RMRS recoverable maintenance recall system
RMRS repeatable maintenance recall system
RMS random motion simulator
RMS redundancy management system
RMS remote maneuvering system
RMS remote manipulator system (subsystem)
RMS root mean square
RMU remote maneuvering unit
RN Reynold's number
RN rate of change
RN resource node
RNP rotation, nutation, and precession
RNS reusable nuclear stage
RNTS regenerative nonventing thermal system
RO radar operator
RO readout
RO receive only
RO recovery operations
RO rollover
ROADS resource and operations analysis display system
ROB right outboard
ROB rigid optical bench
ROC record of comments
ROC request of change
ROCC Range Operational Control Center
ROCC Region Operational Control Center
ROCES ranger orbiter crew escape system
ROD remotely operated door
ROEU remotely operated electrical umbilical
ROI return on investment
ROL remote operating location
ROM read-only memory
ROM rough order of magnitude
RORSAT radar ocean reconnaissance satellite
ROS Rosman, North Carolina (STDN site)
ROS read-only storage
ROS regulated oxygen supply
ROS removable overhead structure
ROSES Rockwell Operational Software Engineering System
ROSS remote orbital servicing system
ROST Rockwell operational system for trades
ROST Rockwell operations system for trades
ROT remaining operating time
ROTI recording optical tracking instrument
ROTV returnable orbital transfer vehicle
RP relative pressure
RP repair period
RP rocket propellant
RPA record and playback assembly
RPA request for procurement action
RPA request for procurement authorization
RPC remote power control
RPC remote power controller
RPD Reconfiguration Production Department
RPE reliability project engineer
RPF rapid prototyping facility
RPIE real property installed equipment
RPL Rocket Propulsion Laboratory
RPL rated power level
RPO radiation protection officer
RPOC Remote Payload Operations Center
RPP reinforced pyrolytic plastic
RPP reliability program plan
RPS RMS planning system
RPS record and playback system (subsystem)
RPSF Rotation Processing and Surge Facility
RPT resident provisioning team
RPT rudder pedal transducer
RPTA rudder pedal transducer assembly
RPV remotely piloted vehicle
RQ respiratory quotient
RR range rate
RR readiness review
RR register to register
RR rendezvous radar
RR requirements review
RR respiration rate
RRB Requirements Review Board
RRDA rendezvous radar deployment actuator
RRDCT risk reduction data collection task
RREA rendezvous radar electronics assembly
RREU rendezvous radar electronics unit
RRL rudder reference line
RRP rudder reference plane
RRS restraint release system
RRS retrorocket system
RRT rendezvous radar transducer
RRT rendezvous radar transfer
RRT rendezvous radar transponder
RS Rawinsonde
RS redundancy status
RS redundant set
RS refurbishment spare
RS register to storage
RS remote station
RS right side
RS&S receiving, shipping, and storage
RSA rapid simulation aid
RSA rate sensor assembly
RSA rheometrics solids analyzer
RSB rudder/speed brake
RSC range safety command
RSC range safety control
RSCIE remote station communication interface equipment
RSCR range safety command receiver
RSCS rate stabilization and control system
RSCSS range safety command shutdown system
RSD range support document
RSD requirements and specifications document
RSDB Rockwell supplier data base
RSDP remote site data processor
RSEAM Rockwell system engineering analysis model
RSF Refurbishment and Subassembly Facility (KSC)
RSF receiving-safing facility
RSI rate stability indicator
RSI reusable surface insulation
RSIOP Russian strategic integrated operational plan
RSIOP red single integrated operations plan
RSL requirement specification language
RSL resource support list
RSLS redundant set launch sequence
RSMM redundant system monitor model
RSO Radiological Safety Office
RSO range safety officer
RSO resident space object
RSOC Rockwell Space Operations Company
RSPL recommended spare parts list
RSR release schedule record
RSRA rotor system research aircraft
RSRB redesigned solid rocket booster
RSRM redesigned solid rocket motor
RSS range safety switch
RSS range safety system
RSS reactant supply system
RSS restart selectover system
RSS rib structure station
RSS root sum square
RSS rotating service structure
RSSPO Resident Space Shuttle Project Office
RST recessed selectomatic terminal
RSU remote service unit
RSV ready storage vessel
RT real time
RT reference trajectory
RT room temperature
RT/LO receiver transmitter/local oscillator
RTAC Research and Technology Advisory Committee
RTAW Rockwell tandem arc weld
RTB resistance temperature bulb
RTC real-time clock
RTC real-time command
RTC real-time computer
RTC room-temperature cure
RTCA Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics
RTCC Real-Time Computer Center (NASA)
RTCC real-time command controller
RTCC real-time computer command (uplink)
RTCC real-time computer complex
RTCE rotation/translation control electronics
RTCP real-time communications processor
RTCPS real-time computer program system
RTCS real-time computer system
RTD real-time data
RTD real-time display
RTD resistance temperature device
RTD resistance thermal device
RTDD release to design development
RTE responsible test engineer
RTF return to flight
RTFSS real-time flight safety software
RTG radioisotope thermoelectric generator
RTG range to ground
RTHC rotational-translational hand controller
RTHS real-time hybrid system
RTIF real-time interface
RTLS return to launch site
RTM release to manufacturing
RTM robot task measurement
RTO rapid turn-on
RTOK retest okay
RTOP research and technology objectives and plans
RTOP research and technology operating plan
RTPM real-time program management
RTS range tracking station
RTS real-time subsystem
RTS real-time supply
RTS reliability test specimen
RTS remote tracking station
RTSF real-time simulation facility
RTSS real-time simulation system
RTTV real-time television
RTU remote terminal unit
RTV room-temperature vulcanizing
RTVM requirements and test verification matrix
RU remote unit
RV recirculation valve
RV recovery vehicle
RV reentry vehicle
RV relief valve
RVAO reentry vehicle associated object
RVAS requirements verification and accounting system
RVCF remote vehicle checkout facility
RVCN requirement verification completion notice
RVDISC RV discrimination
RVDT rotary variable differential transducer
RVDT rotary variable differential transformer
RVN requirements verification network
RVR requirement verification revision
RVR runway visual range
RVRS requirements verification review sheet
RVTAPS RV track and prediction simulation
RW reaction wheel
RW read and write
RW response word
RW runway
RWD right wing down
RWE read/write electronics
RWM read and write memory
RYD real-year dollars
RZ return to zero
Rf risk factor
Rnet reconfiguration network
rms radian means per second
rph revolutions per hour
rpm revolutions per minute
rpm rotations per minute
rps revolutions per second