NASA Acronyms -M-


M Mach number
M mega-
M million
M number of revolutions required for the rendezvous
M&A monitor and alarm
M&C maintenance and checkout
M&F manufacturing and facilities
M&I management and integration
M&L maintenance and logistics
M&M materials and maintenance
M&O maintenance and operations
M&P Materials and Processes (Engineering)
M&P materials and processes
M&R maintenance and refurbishment
M&R maintenance and repair
M&RF maintenance and refurbishing facility
M&S maintenance and security
M&S mapping and surveying
M- time in days before move operations
M-M-L-S model-modes-loads-stresses
M/E mechanical/electrical
M/F maintenance factor
M/I minimum impulse
M/L maintenance loop
M/L manual local
M/LR maintenance loop recorder
M/M maximum and minimum
M/P main parachute
M/P mass properties
M/PHE material or personnel handling equipment
M/R mixture ratio (fuel to oxidizer)
M/S main stage
M/S measurement stimuli
M/SCI mission/safety-critical item
M/U mockup
M/W make work
M2P2 multimission production plan
M50 Aries mean of 1950, Cartesian coordinates
MA Mercury-Atlas
MA maintenance ability
MA maintenance advisor
MA master alarm
MA material authorization
MA metabolic analyzer
MA mike amplifier
MA missed approach
MA mission analysis
MA multiple access
MA&P maintenance analysis and planning
MA&SE mission analysis and system engineering
MA&T manufacturing assembly and test
MAA Mathematical Association of America
MAA maximum authorized altitude
MAAB Materials Application Advisory Board
MAAS mission area analysis system
MAB Materials Advisory Board
MAB Materials Applications Board
MAB Missile Assembly Building
MAB master acquisition bus
MAB mechanical automation breadboard
MAC Maintenance Advisory Committee
MAC Material Air Command
MAC Military Airlift Command
MAC maximum allowable concentration
MAC mean aerodynamic chord
MAC media access control
MAC months after contract
MAC multiaccess computer
MAC multimission applications concept
MACDS monitor and control display system
MACE mechanical antenna control electronics
MACE missile and control equipment
MACO major assembly checkout
MACRO merge and correlate recorded output
MACS management and control system
MAD Madrid, Spain (STDN)
MAD maintenance analysis data
MAD momentum accumulation and dumping
MADC multiplexer analog-to-digital converter
MADCS modular attitude determination and control system
MADRE manufacturing data retrieval (system)
MADS modular auxiliary data system
MADS monitor and control display system
MAEP minimum autoland entry point
MAF Michoud Assembly Facility
MAF main assembly fixture
MAF manpower authorization file
MAF mixed amine fuel
MAGSAT magnetometer satellite
MAI machine-aided indexing
MAICO manufacturing, assembly, installation, and checkout
MAIDS management automated information display system
MAIDS multipurpose automatic inspection and diagnostic system
MAIL Mockup and Integration Laboratory
MAIR manufacturing and inspection record
MAL material allowance list
MAL mobile airlock
MAL model assembly list
MALT model assembly list transmittal
MAN microwave aerospace navigation
MANTECH manufacturing technology
MAOT maximum allowable operating time
MAP maintenance analysis program
MAP manufacturing automation protocol
MAP measurement allocation plan
MAP message acceptance pulse
MAP missed approach point
MAP mission application program
MAPOLE magnetic dipole spark transmitter
MAPS measurement of air pollution from satellites
MAPTIS materials and processes technical information system
MAR maintenance and refurbishment
MAR memory address register
MAR mid-deck accommodations rack
MARP Markov analysis and reliability prediction
MARRS mission analysis and reconfiguration requirements system
MARS MCC automated reconfiguration system
MARS Martin automatic reporting system
MARS manned astronautical research station
MARS modular airborne recorder system
MAS MAST approval sheet
MAS measurement approval sheet
MAS medium-altitude sensor
MASDC Military Aircraft Storage and Disposition Center
MASER microwave amplification through stimulated eadiation
MASSPO Manned Space Flight Support Project Office
MAST measurement and stimulus
MAST measurement and stimulus system (data base)
MASTIF Multiaxis Spin Test Inertial Facility
MAT meteorological atmospheric turbulence
MAT mount alignment tool
MAT multiple actuator test
MATCO material control
MATCO materials analysis, tracking, and control
MATE modular automated test equipment
MATE modular automatic test equipment
MATS master manufacturing and test schedule
MAU million accounting units
MAWG Maintenance Analyzer Working Group
MB main bus
MB management baseline
MB manned base
MB midbody
MBA multiple beam antenna
MBA multiple berthing adapter
MBAC Marshall booster assembly contractor
MBAR Marshall baseline accounting and reporting system
MBB Messerschmitt-Boklow-Blahn
MBC maximum breathing capacity
MBCP mission budget capture program
MBCS motion base crew station (SMS)
MBE Minority Business Enterprises
MBFP manufacturing build and flow plan
MBI multibus interface
MBK medications and bandage kit
MBL mobile unit (TACAN station)
MBM magnetic bubble memory
MBO management by objective
MBPS main bus power supply
MBSU main bus switching unit
MBV main base visit
MC machine check
MC manual control
MC material control
MC memory configuration
MC midcourse correction
MC military characteristic
MC mission capability
MC mission completion
MC mission continuation
MC mission controller
MC momentary contact
MC&C measurement, command, and control
MC&W master caution and warning
MC/EC mission-critical/embedded computer
MCA main console assembly
MCA maximum crossing altitude
MCA monitoring and control assembly
MCA motor controller assembly
MCA multichannel analyzer
MCAT Manufacturing Cell Action Team
MCAT missile carrier air transport
MCBF mean cycle between failures
MCC Mission Control Center (JSC)
MCC main combustion chamber
MCC main control console
MCC midcourse correction
MCC mobile command center
MCC-H Mission Control Center, Houston
MCC-K Mission Control Center, Kennedy
MCCC Mission Control and Computing Center
MCCG Mission Command and Control Group (NASA)
MCCL maintainability criteria checklist
MCCL maintenance criteria checklist
MCCP mission contamination control plan
MCCR mission-critical computer resource
MCCS Mission Control Center simulation
MCCS Mission Control Center system
MCCS mission-critical computer system
MCD minimum cost design
MCDS maintenance control and display system
MCDS malfunction CRT display system
MCDS management communication and data system
MCDS multifunction CRT display system
MCDU multifunction CRT display unit
MCE manpower and cost estimate
MCE model control element
MCF maintenance and checkout facility
MCF military computer family
MCF mission control facility
MCI midcourse interceptor
MCIR mission configuration and implementation requirements
MCIS material control and information system
MCIU manipulator controller interface unit
MCIU master controller interface unit
MCIU mission control and interface unit
MCL mass cargo lander
MCL mass change log
MCL master configuration list
MCLT maximum cruise level thrust
MCM MADS control module
MCM multichip module
MCN maintenance change notice
MCN master change notice
MCO mission control operations
MCOP Mission Control Operations Panel
MCP Military Construction Program
MCP main control panel
MCP master change package
MCP master change proposal
MCP master computer program
MCP materials control plan
MCP measurements control procedure
MCP minor cycle period
MCP mission control programmer
MCP monitoring and control panel
MCPC manipulator controller power conditioner
MCPP mission configuration product plan
MCPS major cost proposal system
MCR master change record
MCR master change request
MCRDF mission configuration requirements data file
MCRF mission configuration requirements file
MCRG Mission Configuration Requirements Group
MCS maintenance and checkout station
MCS management control system
MCS maneuver control system
MCS manufacturing control system
MCS master control station
MCS measurements calibration system
MCS mission control system
MCS monitor control system
MCT MCC console trainer
MCT Mercad telluride
MCT maximum climb thrust
MCT mercury, cadmium, telluride
MCT methodology coordination team
MCT mission control team
MCU master control unit
MCU medium close-up
MCU mission control unit
MCVP materials control and verification program
MCW modulated continuous wave
MD Missile Division
MD malfunction detection
MD manual direct
MD manual disconnect
MD master dimension
MD microdot
MD mid-deck
MD mission director
MD-BF body flap manual direct control mode
MD-P pitch manual direct control mode
MD-YR yaw roll manual direct control mode
MDA maintainability design approach
MDA manufacturing design analysis
MDA mid-deck assembly
MDA mission data analysis
MDA motor drive amplifier
MDA multiple docking adapter
MDAC McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Company
MDAC McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company
MDAR malfunction detection, analysis, and recording
MDAS meteorological data acquisition system
MDAS mission data acquisition system
MDB main memory data output bus
MDB master data base
MDB mission data book
MDC main display console
MDC mission director center
MDC mission duty cycle
MDCA main distribution control assembly
MDCS maintenance data collection system
MDCS malfunction display and control system
MDCS master digital command system
MDCS material data collection system
MDD mate/demate device
MDDS material directory data sheet
MDE mission-dependent equipment
MDE mission-dependent experiment
MDE modular display electronics
MDF Manipulator Development Facility
MDF Mating/Demating Facility
MDF main distribution frame
MDF mild detonating fuse
MDFP MAST data format processing
MDFP mission data format processing
MDI management data and information
MDI mission data input
MDL master data library
MDL module design language
MDL momentum dump logic
MDM Material Division Manual
MDM manipulator deployment mechanism
MDM module design methodology
MDM multiplexer/demultiplexer
MDOP maximum design operating pressure
MDP main display panel
MDP master display panel
MDP mission data pressure
MDP mission data processing
MDP mission data processor
MDR maintenance demand rate
MDR major design review
MDR manufacturing design review
MDR material disposition review
MDR mechanical design review
MDR midterm design review
MDR minor discrepancy repair
MDR missing data report
MDR mission data reduction
MDR monthly director's review
MDRD mission data requirements document
MDRS manufacturing data retrieval system
MDRS mission data retrieval system
MDS magnetic disk system
MDS malfunction detection system
MDS management data system
MDS master development schedule
MDS minimum discernible signal
MDS mission development simulator
MDSD mate/demate stiff-leg derrick
MDSE manufacturing and development support equipment
MDSS mission data support system
MDSSC McDonnell Douglas Space Systems Company
MDST mission director support team
MDST mission disaster support team
MDT maintenance demand time
MDT mean detonating time
MDT mean downtime
MDT measurement descriptor table
MDT mountain daylight time
MDTSCO McDonnell Douglas Technical Service Company
MDU mission data unit
MDV map and data viewer
ME Manufacturing Engineering (MSFC)
ME main engine
ME management engineering
ME metallurgical engineer
ME miscellaneous equipment
ME mission evaluation
ME&D manufacturing engineering and development
MEA main electronics assembly
MEA maintenance engineering analysis
MEAR maintenance engineering analysis request
MEAR manufacturing engineering analysis report
MEB main electronics box
MEBA Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association
MEBO main engine burnout
MEC main engine controller
MEC manual emergency control
MEC master event controller
MEC mission events controller
MECA main engine controller assembly
MECA missile electronics computer assembly
MECAS mission equipment configuration accounting system
MECCA master electrical common connector assembly
MECF main engine computational facilities
MECLSI mission equipment configuration launch site installation
MECO main engine cutoff
MECR maintenance engineering change request
MECSLSI mission equipment cargo Shuttle launch site
MECSLSI mission equipment cargo support launch site
MED manual entry device
MED momentum exchange device
MEDICS medical information computer system
MEDS mechanical engineering design system
MEE mission-essential equipment
MEECN minimum essential emergency communication network
MEFE mission-essential-function equipment
MEI main engine ignition
MEI master end item
MEIU main engine interface unit
MEK methylethyl ketone
MEK mission equipment kit
MEKF Misson Equipment Kit Facility
MEL minimum equipment list
MELI master equipment list index
MEM Mars excursion module
MEM meteoroid exposure module
MEM mid-deck electronics module
MEM module exchange mechanism
MENS mission element needs statement
MEO manufacturing engineering order
MEO mid Earth orbit
MEOP maximum expected operating pressure
MEP Manipulator Engineering Panel
MEP main engine propellant
MEP management engineering program
MEP mean effective pressure
MEP medium external pressurized
MEP minimum entry point
MER Mission Evaluation Room
MERL Materials Engineering Research Laboratory
MERSAT meteorology and Earth observation satellite
MERU milli-Earth rate unit
MES main engine start
MES mated elements simulator
MES mated events simulator
MES mission events sequence
MESA miniature electrostatic accelerometer
MESA modular equipment stowage assembly
MESC master events sequence controller
MESC mission events sequence controller
MESELSI mission extension Shuttle equipment launch site
MESELSI mission extension support equipment launch site
MESSOC model evaluation of Space Station operations cost
MET master events timer
MET mission elapsed time
MET mission events timer
MET multielement test
METS multienvironment test system
METVC main engine thrust vector control
MEU medium external unpressurized
MEV mass excursion vehicle
MEWG Maintenance Engineering Working Group
MF major function
MF master frame
MF mate and ferry
MF mated flight
MF medium frequency
MF mid-deck forward
MF midfuselage
MF motor field
MFA manned flight awareness
MFBP manufacturing flow and build plan
MFC manual flight control
MFC multiple-flight computer
MFC multiple-flight controller
MFCS manual flight control system
MFD main feed
MFD malfunction detection
MFD metal friction device
MFE midfrequency executive
MFF MDM flight forward
MFG major functional group
MFLOPS millions of floating-point operations per second
MFO major function overlay
MFP main free path
MFP mission flight plan
MFP mosaic focal plane
MFR manipulator foot restraint
MFR maximum flight rate
MFR multifunctional receiver
MFR multifunctional review
MFRM mobile foot restraint manipulator
MFSK M-ary frequency shift keying
MFSP macrofunction signal processor
MFT mean flight time
MFT module fixture transporter
MFTAD master flight test assignment document
MFTIO minimum flyout time for orbital interception
MFV main fuel valve
MG middle gimbal
MG mission generation
MG mobile generator
MG motor-generated
MGA middle gimbal angle
MGC manual gain control
MGE maintenance ground equipment
MGI management group identifier
MGS mobile ground station
MGS mobile ground system
MGSE mechanical ground support equipment
MGT major ground test
MGT mobile ground terminal
MGVT mated ground vibration test
MH man-hour
MHA multiple-headset adapter
MHC manipulator hand controller
MHD magnetohydrodynamics
MHD multihead disk
MHE material handling equipment
MHF medium high frequency
MHP move and handling procedure
MHSC manipulator handset controller
MHV miniature homing vehicle
MHW multihundred watt
MHz megahertz (megacycles per second)
MI malleable iron
MI management information
MI minimum impulse
MI minority institution
MIA multiple-interface adapter
MIA multiplexer interface adapter
MIB master interconnect board
MIB minimum-impulse bit
MIB multilayer interconnection board
MIC Management Information Center
MIC memory interface connector
MIC minimum-impulse controller
MICB Meck Island Control Building
MICB Mission Integration Change Board
MICIS material inventory control and information system
MICIS mechanized information control inventory system
MICIS mechanized inventory control information system
MICNS modular integrated communication and navigation system
MICOM Missile Command
MICOM Missile Command (Army)
MICOS multifunctional infrared coherent optical sensor
MICS management information and control system
MIDAS mission integrated design analysis simulator
MIDDS meteorological interactive data display system
MIDSIM midcourse exoatmospheric event-based simulator
MIDSIM midcourse simulation
MIEWF master integrated engineering work file
MIF mechanical integration frame
MIF module integration facility
MIG metal inert gas
MIG miniature integrating gyro
MII master inspection item
MIIA Merritt Island industrial area (NASA)
MIL man in loop
MIL-STD military standard
MILA Merritt Island launch area
MILCOMSAT military communications satellite
MILES a computerized schedule system
MILS missile impact location system
MILSTAR military communications satellite
MILSTAR military strategic and tactical relay system
MIMO multiple instruction, multiple data paths
MIMOSA mission modes and space analysis
MIMR monthly integration management review
MIMS medical information management system
MINW master interface network
MIO Management Integration Office
MIP MMU integration plan
MIP Measurement Integration Panel
MIP mandatory inspection point
MIP minimum-impulse pulse
MIP modification instruction package
MIPIAN computer-assisted process planning
MIPIR missile impact pointing imaging radar
MIPR military intergovernmental purchase request
MIPS Merritt Island press site
MIR malfunction investigation report
MIR mission integration review
MIRS management information and reporting system
MIRV multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles
MIS magnetic isolation system
MIS management information system
MIS master index schedule
MIS master integrated schedule
MIS mission information system (subsystem)
MIS-PLAN MIS-payload activity network
MISTRAM missile trajectory measurement
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT master instruction tape
MIT mercury in thruster
MIT mercury ion transfer
MIT mission integration team
MIT/LL Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln Laboratory
MITAS missile threat analysis simulation (simulator)
MITIL MIT Instrumentation Laboratory
MITOC missile intercom technical operational communication
MITTS mobile IGOR tracking telescope system
MIU malfunction insertion unit
MIUS modular integrated utility system
MIVP mission interface verification plan
MJ mechanical joint
MJ megajoule
MJS manipulator jettison system
ML message line
ML mobile launcher
ML mold line
MLA MDM launch aft
MLA monochrome lens assembly
MLB multilayer board
MLC mobile launcher computer
MLE mesoscale lightning experiment
MLF MDM launch forward
MLG main landing gear
MLGD main landing gear door
MLGS microwave landing guidance system
MLI multilayer insulation
MLL MDM launch left
MLP machine language program
MLP mobile launch platform
MLP mobile launcher platform
MLR MDM launch right
MLR monodisperse latex reactor
MLS medium long shot
MLS microwave landing system
MLS multilevel security
MLV medium launch vehicle
MLV medium-lift launch vehicle
MLW maximum landing weight
MM Marshall manual
MM main memory
MM main module
MM major mode
MM man-month
MM mass memory
MM material manual
MM motor module
MM&TS master manufacturing and test schedule
MMA moving mechanical assembly
MMACS maintenance management and control system
MMAS material management and accounting system
MMAS mechanized material accountability system
MMC Martin Marietta Corporation
MMC Mission Management Center
MMC master microprocessor control
MMC metal matrix composite
MMC midcourse measurement correction
MMC midmotor controller
MMCA midmotor controller assembly
MMCCB Multimission Change Control Board
MMCL master measurement and control list
MMD MSC maintenance depot
MMD mean mission duration
MMD mobile maintenance depot
MMDB master measurement data base
MMDF mission model data file
MMDS maintenance management data system
MMES MSFC mated-element system
MMF magnetomotive force
MMH maintenance man-hour
MMH monomethylhydrazine
MMH/FH maintenance man-hours per flight hour
MMH/Y maintenance man-hours per year
MMI Marshall management instruction
MMI man-machine interface
MMIA monolithic microwave integrated amplifier
MMIC millimeter-wave monolithic integrated circuit
MMIC monolithic microwave integrated circuit
MMIDS man-machine interface development station
MMIP mass memory integration plan
MML master measurement list
MMLS Martin Marietta Launch Services
MMLS model-modes-loads-stresses
MMOS multimode optical sensor
MMP mechanical parts, materials, processes
MMP mission management plan
MMPSE multiuse mission payload support equipment
MMR mass memory ready
MMRS manned military recovery system
MMS manned maneuvering system
MMS mission modular spacecraft
MMS modular multiband scanner
MMS module management system
MMS multimission modular spacecraft
MMS multimission spacecraft
MMSE multimission support equipment
MMSE multiuse mission support equipment
MMT mass memory test
MMT mission management team
MMU manned maneuvering unit
MMU mass memory unit
MMU midcourse measurement unit
MMUS mass memory unit simulator
MN main bus
MNEE mission nonessential equipment
MNET Mission and Data Operations Directorate network
MNOS metal nitride oxide semiconductor
MO major objective
MO manned orbiter
MO manual orientation
MO manufacturing order
MO master oscillator
MO mid-deck overhead
MO mission operations
MOA make on arrival
MOA memorandum of agreement
MOC Marine Operation Center
MOC Mission Operations Center
MOC mission operations computer
MOCC Mission Operations Control Center
MOCF Mission Operations Computational Facility
MOCITE mobile checkout and integration test equipment
MOCR mission operations control room
MOCS multichannel ocean color sensor
MOCV manual oxygen control valve
MOD Mission Operations Directorate
MOD mission objectives document
MOD mission operations director
MODART method of defeating advanced radar threats
MODS military orbital development system
MOE measure of effectiveness
MOF manned orbital flight
MOI moments of inertia
MOL manned orbital laboratory
MOLFLUX molecular flux (model)
MOM mission operations manager
MOMS mobile optical measurement system
MOP measure of performance
MOP mission operations plan
MOP mission operations processor
MOPA master oscillator power amplifier
MOPIS missile operations intercommunications system
MOPR mission operations planning review
MOPR mission operations planning room
MOPS military operation phone system
MOPS missile operations
MOPS mission operations planning system
MOR manufacturing operations record
MOR manufacturing order record
MOR mission objective and requirements
MORD medical operations requirements document
MORL manned orbiting research laboratory
MORT management oversight and risk tree
MOS metal oxide on substrate
MOS metal oxide semiconductor
MOS mission operations system
MOS multiple optical switch
MOSC Mission Operations Support Center
MOSFET metal-on-silicon field-effect transistor
MOSP mission operations success program
MOSP mission operations support program
MOSPO mobile satellite photometric observatory
MOSR mission operations support requirement
MOSS MMDB operational subsystem status
MOSS Mission Operations Support Services
MOSS manned orbital space station
MOSTT mosaic optical sensor technology test bed
MOTR multiple-object tracking radar
MOU memorandum of understanding
MOV main oxidizer valve
MOW mission operations wing
MP Meteorology Panel
MP major program
MP management package
MP mass properties
MP measuring point
MP medium pressure
MP melting point
MP mission planner
MP mod package
MP&C maintenance planning and control
MP/G material procedure government
MPA manufacturing producibility analysis
MPA miniature pendulum accelerometer
MPAC multipurpose applications console
MPAD Mission Planning and Analysis Division (JSC)
MPAR maintainability problem and assessment report
MPB maintenance parts breakdown
MPBS main power bus supply
MPC Meteorological Prediction Center
MPC material procurement cost
MPC memory protection check
MPC midbody pyro controller
MPC midpower controller
MPCA midpower controller assembly
MPCMP mass properties control and management plan
MPD main dc power distributor
MPD management position description
MPD maximum permissible dose
MPE maximum permissible exposure
MPESS mission-peculiar equipment support structure
MPESS mission-peculiar experiment support structure
MPG multipoint grounding
MPGHM mobile payload ground handling mechanism
MPHE material and personnel handling equipment
MPI mean point of impact
MPI mission payload integration
MPICD mission-peculiar interface control document
MPIIN modification procurement instrument identification
MPIO Mission Payload Integration Office
MPL maintenance parts list
MPL master program library
MPL materials and process list
MPL mechanical parts list
MPL minimum power level
MPLN maintenance planning (data base)
MPM manipulator positioning mechanism
MPMP mass properties management plan
MPMP mechanical parts, material process
MPMP mechanical parts, materials, and processes
MPMSE multiuse payload and mission support equipment
MPOR master power-on reset
MPP manufacturing process procedure
MPP material processing procedure
MPP mission preparation processor
MPPSE multipurpose payload support equipment
MPR maintainability problem report
MPR malfunction problem record
MPR mockup purchase request
MPR monthly program review
MPRAS multipath redundant avionics suite
MPS main propulsion system (subsystem)
MPS maneuvering propulsion subsystem
MPS master production schedule
MPS master program schedule
MPS material processing satellite
MPS material processing specification
MPS materials processing in space
MPS materials processing science
MPS multiple protective structures
MPS&P material processing specifications and procedures
MPSR mission profile storage and retrieval
MPSR multipurpose support room
MPST multipurpose support team
MPT main propulsion test
MPT mission planning terminal
MPTA main propulsion test article
MPTF Main Propulsion Test Facility
MPTF mission planning task force
MPTP main propulsion test program
MPTS multipurpose tool set
MPVA main propellant valve actuator
MR maintenance and refurbishment
MR management review
MR master reset
MR material request
MR material review
MR mission report
MR mixture ratio
MRA mechanical readiness assessment
MRA mission requirements analysis
MRA mission requirements and allocation
MRB Material Review Board
MRB mission reconfiguration base
MRBM medium-range ballistic missile
MRC Measurement Requirements Committee
MRCR measurement requirement change request
MRD material review disposition
MRD mission requirements definition
MRD mission requirements document
MRDA mission requirements definition and analysis
MRDB mission requirements data base
MRDR material review disposition record
MRDR mission requirements data base Rockwell
MRE material review engineering
MRF maintenance responsibility file
MRF maximum retarding force
MRF measurements/stimuli request form
MRF missile repair facility
MRI measurement requirements and interface
MRIM MOD/MOC reconfiguration interface manager
MRIR medium-resolution infrared radiometer
MRL manipulator retention latch
MRL manipulator retention lock
MRL material requirements list
MRL measurement requirement list
MRL missile reference line
MRM mission reconfiguration master
MRM mission requirements matrix
MRMS mission reconfiguration management system
MRMS mobile remote manipulator system
MRO maintenance repair and operation
MRO material release order
MRP manufacturing resource planning
MRP material requirements planning
MRP material review process
MRP missile reference plane
MRP mission reference plane
MRR manufacturing readiness review
MRR mission readiness review
MRR mission reconfiguration request
MRR mission requirements review
MRS management review system
MRS master repair schedule
MRS mobile remote servicer
MRTFB major range and test facility base
MRTS material requirements tracking system
MRTS modification and repair tracking system
MRTS modification recycle tracking system
MRWG Mission Requirements Working Group
MS Marsenne-Schmidt
MS machine screw
MS machine steel
MS manned system
MS margin of safety
MS mass spectrometer
MS master switch
MS material specification
MS mating sequence and control
MS mechanical system
MS medium shot
MS milestone
MS military standard (parts designation)
MS mission sequence
MS mission specialist
MS mission station
MS monitor station
MS-DOS Microsoft disk operating system
MS/MS material science and manufacturing in space
MSA Metropolitan Survey Area
MSA main bus solar array
MSA major subcontract administrator
MSA master schedule authorization
MSA material service area
MSA material subcontract administrator
MSA minimum surface area
MSAD materials summary acceptance document
MSB most significant bit
MSBLS microwave scan-beam landing system
MSBLS-GS MSBLS ground station
MSC Materials Service Center
MSC Mission Support Center (Space Station)
MSC master schedule chart
MSC master sequence controller
MSC mobile service carrier
MSC mobile service center
MSC moding, sequencing, and control
MSCB Manufacturing Status Control Board
MSCL Measurement Standards and Calibration Laboratory
MSCR measurements/stimuli change request
MSCS mobile service center system
MSD Missile Systems Division
MSD Mission Support Directorate
MSD mission systems data
MSDOS mass storage digital operating system
MSDP mission system distribution panel
MSDS materials safety data sheet
MSDS multispectral scanner and data system
MSDT multiple Shuttle data tape
MSE maintenance support equipment
MSE manned space flight engineer
MSE measuring and stimuli equipment
MSE mechanical support equipment
MSE medical support equipment
MSE mission staff engineer
MSE mission support equipment
MSEC master separation events controller
MSF maintenance source file
MSF manned space flight
MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center (NASA)
MSFN manned space flight network
MSFP manned space flight program
MSFSG Manned Space Flight Support Group
MSG Maintenance Steering Group
MSG Maintenance Study Group
MSG Mechanical Subsystem Group
MSG Mission Support Group
MSI maintenance-significant item
MSI medium-scale integration
MSIA multispectral image analyzer
MSID master stimulus identification document
MSID measurement and stimulus identification
MSID measurement stimulation identification
MSID measurement stimulus identification
MSIF multisystem integration facility
MSIS man-systems integration standards
MSK M-ary shift keying
MSK manual select keyboard
MSL Materials Science Laboratory
MSL Mechanical Systems Laboratory
MSL master system library
MSL mean sea level
MSL mode select logic
MSLD mass spectrometer leak detector
MSM manned support module
MSME Master of Science degree in mechanical engineering
MSMP manned support module program
MSMP multispectral measurements program
MSO Manufacturing Safety Office
MSO model for spares optimization
MSOB Manned Spacecraft Operations Building
MSOCC Multisatellite Operations Control Center
MSOIN minor subcontractor or IDWA notification
MSP Mission Security Panel
MSP mission sequence plan
MSP mission support plan
MSR Mission Support Room
MSR measurement stimuli request
MSR measurements support request
MSRP mission support real property
MSS Manufacturers' Standardization Society
MSS maintenance status system
MSS mass storage subsystem
MSS mechanical support system
MSS medium/small satellite servicing
MSS meeting support system
MSS message source selector
MSS mission specialist station
MSS mission status summary
MSS mobile service structure
MSS mobile servicing system
MSS multispectral scanner system
MSS multisystem software
MSSRV Mars surface-sample return vehicle
MSSTM military space system technology model
MSSTP Military Space Systems Technology Plan
MST measurement status table
MST mobile service tower
MST mountain standard time
MSU main storage unit
MSU mass storage unit
MSU measuring stimuli unit
MSV mission support vehicle
MSV monitored sine vibration (test)
MSVP master Shuttle verification plan
MT magnetic tape
MT man-tended
MT master timer
MT master tool
MT maximum torque
MT mean time
MT mechanical technician
MT megaton
MT member traceability
MT metric ton
MT mission time
MT mission timer
MT mission trajectory
MT mobile transfer
MT mobile transporter
MT mountain time
MT&SCDSS materials technology and structural concepts for dsystems
MTA maintenance task analysis
MTA major test article
MTA mass thermal analysis
MTAP multitask analysis program
MTB materials testing branch
MTBCF mean time between critical failures
MTBD mean time between demand
MTBF mean time between failures
MTBM mean time between maintenance
MTBMA mean time between maintenance action
MTBR mean time between removal
MTBR mean time between replacement
MTC man-tended capability
MTC manual thrust controller
MTC manual traffic control
MTC master thrust control (controller)
MTC mission and traffic control
MTCA monitor and test control area
MTCU magnetic tape control unit
MTE maintenance test equipment
MTE multisystem test equipment
MTEC maintenance test equipment catalog
MTEE maintenance test equipment, electrical
MTEF maintenance test equipment, fluid
MTEM maintenance test equipment module
MTEM maintenance test equipment, mechanical
MTEO maintenance test equipment, optical
MTFF man-tended free flyer
MTFO modular training field option
MTG master timing generator
MTGP monitor table generator program
MTGW maximum total gross weight
MTI Morton Thiokol, Incorporated
MTI moving-target indicator
MTK mechanical timekeeping
MTK mechanized timekeeping
MTL main transfer line
MTLP monitor table listing program
MTM mechanical test model
MTM method of task measurement
MTM methods time measurement
MTM multiterminal monitor
MTMO Mated Test Management Office
MTO Mississippi Test Operations
MTO magnetic tape operator
MTO master timing oscillator
MTO maximum time-out
MTO mission task objective
MTO modification task outline
MTOGW maximum takeoff gross weight
MTOW maximum takeoff weight
MTP manufacturing technical procedure
MTP master test plan
MTP mission test plan
MTR magnetic tape recorder
MTRD master test requirement document
MTS magnetic tape station
MTS magnetic tape system
MTS main thruster subsystem
MTS master timing system
MTS member, technical staff
MTS metric time system
MTS mobile tracking station
MTS motor-operated transfer switch
MTT maximum touch temperature
MTTA mean time to accomplish
MTTE mean time to exchange
MTTF mean time to failure
MTTFF mean time to first failure
MTTR mean time to repair
MTTRF mean time to restore function
MTU magnetic tape unit
MTU master timing unit
MTU mobile training unit
MTV mass transfer vehicle
MTVC manual thrust vector control
MTW maximum taxi weight
MU master unit
MU mobile unit
MU mockup
MU multiple unit
MUA materials usage agreement
MUA maximum usable altitude
MUA mutual usage agreement
MUC Muchea, Australia
MUF maximum usable frequency
MUL mission-unique list
MUPPS mission-unique planning and processing schedule
MUR manpower utilization report
MUS mission-unique software
MUSAT Canadian government satellite
MUSS module utility support structure
MUX multiplex
MUX multiplexer
MV manual valve
MV manufacturing verification
MVA megavolt ampere
MVAS multipurpose ventricular actuating system
MVC manual volume control
MVC master volume control
MVD map and visual display
MVF manned vertical flight
MVGVT mated vertical ground vibration test
MVM Mariner Venus/Mercury
MVP master verification plan
MVR measurement velocity radial
MVS middle-value select
MVS midvalue selected
MVS multiple virtual storage
MVWT mated vehicle wind tunnel
MW man-week
MW microwave
MWB master workbook
MWD material withdrawal document
MWG Maintainability Working Group
MWIR medium-wavelength infrared
MWOR maintenance work order request
MWP maximum working pressure
MWPR monthly work package report
MWR mean width ratio
MWS missile weapon system
MWV maximum working voltage
MY man-year
MYTA maintainability task analysis
MYVAL maintainability evaluation
MZFW maximum zero fuel weight
Mb megabit
Mb megabyte
Mb/s megabits per second
Mbps megabits per second
MeV megaelectron volt
Mips million instructions per second
Mips millions of instructions per second
Mops million operations per second
m-kg meter-kilogram
mA milliampere
mV millivolt
mW milliwatt
mbar millibar
mbps millibits per second
mg milligram
mm millimeter
mmHg millimeters of mercury
mmW millimeter wave
modem modulator/demodulator
mph miles per hour
ms millisecond
msec millisecond