NASA Acronyms -E-


E elastic modulus
E elevation angle
E&D engineering and development
E&D evaluation and development
E&DSG Electro-Optical and Data Systems Group
E&L engineering and lab
E&M electrical and mechanical
E&O engineering and operations
E-E end to end
E-O electro-optic
E-mail electronic mail
E/B equipment bay
E/C encoder coupler
E/D edge distance
E/L entry/landing
E/M engineering model
E/M escape motor
E/O engineering/operations
E/OCM electromagnetic/optical countermeasure
E/P electron/proton
E/W energy-to-weight ratio
EA electronics assembly
EA elevation angle
EAC early analysis capability
EAC employee action circle
EAC energy-absorbing capacity
EAC estimate at completion
EAC experiment apparatus container
EAC experimental apparatus canister
EACE early analysis capability enhanced
EAD electrically alterable device
EADI electronic attitude director indicator
EADS engineering analysis and data systems
EADT experiment agency data tape
EAF engineering analysis facility
EAF engineering analysis function
EAFB Edwards Air Force Base
EAFB Eglin Air Force Base
EAFB Ellington Air Force Base
EAI Electronics Associates, Incorporated
EAL equipment airlock
EAM electrical accounting machine
EAM emergency action message
EAP Employee Assistance Program
EAR engineering action request
EAR engineering analysis report
EAR environmental analysis report
EAROM electrically alterable read-only memory
EAS engine actuation system
EAS equivalent airspeed
EASE electric automatic support equipment
EASE expert activity scheduling environment
EAT environmental acceptance test
EATR extravehicular assist teleoperator robot
EB electronic beam
EB emergency box
EB equipment bay
EB expendable booster
EBC emulated buffer computer
EBCDC extended binary-coded decimal
EBD eyeballs down (+GZ)
EBI eyeballs in (+GX)
EBL eyeballs left (+GY)
EBO eyeballs out (-GX)
EBR eyeballs right (-GY)
EBS emergency breathing subsystem
EBU eyeballs up (-GZ)
EBW exploding bridge wire
EC elastic center
EC element contractor
EC enabling command
EC engine control
EC engine cutoff
EC engineering change
EC equipment change
EC essentiality code
EC events controller
EC events coupler
EC experiment computer
ECA electronic computer assembly
ECA electronic control assembly
ECA engine control assembly
ECA engineering change analysis
ECA epoxy curing agent
ECAS experiment computer application software
ECB Engineering Change Board
ECB event control block
ECB event controlled block
ECB events control buffer
ECC engineering change control
ECC engineering critical component
ECCAP electromagnetic compatibility circuit analysis program
ECCAP electromagnetic compatibility computer analysis proposal
ECCAP electromagnetic compatibility computerized analysis
ECCB Engineering Change Control Board
ECCCS emergency command control communications system
ECCM electronic counter-countermeasure
ECCP experiment configuration control panel
ECD engineering control drawing
ECD entry corridor display
ECD estimate at completion change document
ECD estimated completion date
ECDU electronic coupling display unit
ECF equivalency capability file
ECG electrocardiogram
ECG electrocardiograph
ECG electrocardiography
ECG electroepitaxial crystal growth
ECI Earth-centered inertia
ECI employment cost index
ECK emergency communication key
ECL electronic circuit logic
ECL emitter coupled logic
ECLS environmental control and life support
ECLSS environmental control and life support system
ECM electromagnetic countermeasure
ECM electronic countermeasure
ECM engineering change management
ECM error correcting memory
ECN engineering change notice
ECO electron-coupled oscillator
ECO engine combustion
ECO engine cutoff
ECO engineering change order
ECOS experiment computer operating system
ECP engineering change proposal
ECP engineering control program
ECP explicitly coded program
ECR engineering change request
ECR equipment change record
ECR experiment change record
ECR experiment concept review
ECRA engineering change request authorization
ECRC Engineering Contract Requirements Committee
ECRV exponentially corrected random variable
ECS effective cross section
ECS electrical control station
ECS engine control system
ECS environmental control system
ECSS extendable computer system simulator
ECT experiment command tape
ECU electrical control unit
ECU electrical conversion unit
ECU electronic coupling unit
ECU engine control unit
ECU environmental control unit
ECU extreme closeup
ED Engineering Directorate
ED Engineering Division
ED edge distance
ED engineering directive
ED explosive device
EDA electronic display assembly
EDA elevation drive assembly
EDAC error detection and correction
EDB environmental data book
EDC Engineering Data Center
EDC engineering design change
EDCAS equipment designer's cost analysis system
EDCC Engineering Drawing Control Center
EDCP engineering design change proposal
EDCS electrical distribution and control system
EDDF error detection and decision feedback
EDDR electron dipole-dipole reservoir
EDF engineering data file
EDI electronic data interchange
EDI electronic data interfacing
EDIV engineering design intent verification
EDL Engineering Development Laboratory
EDLN engineering development logic network
EDLS engineering drawing library system
EDM electrical discharge machining
EDM engineering development model
EDMS electronic data management system
EDO extended-duration orbiter
EDP electronic data processing
EDP embedded data processor
EDPC Electronic Data Processing Center
EDPE electronic data processing equipment
EDPL Engineering Development Processor Laboratory
EDPM electronic data processing machine
EDR engineering design review
EDS electrical distribution system
EDS emergency detection system (subsystem)
EDS engineering data system
EDS engineering design system
EDS engineering development schedule
EDS executive data base system
EDS explosive device system
EDSC early deployment system concept
EDT eastern daylight time
EDT electronic theodolite system
EDTS electronic data transfer system
EDV electric depressurization valve
EDV electronic depressurizing valve
EDW Edwards (TACAN station)
EE emergency engineering
EE end effector
EE experimental evaluation
EECOM electrical, environmental, and communications
EECOM electrical, environmental, consumables, and mechanical
EED electroexplosive device
EEE electronic, electrical, and electromechanical
EEEU end effector electronics unit
EEG electroencephalogram
EEG electroencephalograph
EEG electroencephalography
EEH EMU electrical harness
EEI Edison Electrical Institute
EEI essential elements of information
EEL electrical equipment list
EEM Earth entry module
EENT eye, ear, nose, and throat
EEO Equal Employment Office
EEO equal employment opportunity
EEP electronic equipment package
EEPROM electrically erasable read-only memory
EES ejection escape suit
EES emergency ejection suit
EES escape ejection suit
EESS emergency egress severance system
EESS emergency egress slide system
EET electronic control assembly engine thrust
EET entry elapsed time
EET equivalent exposure time
EETB electronic/electrical termination building
EEU extravehicular excursion unit
EEWS emergency egress window system
EF electronic field
EFA experiment flight application
EFCS Earth-fixed coordinate system
EFE electronic field experiment
EFFGRO efficient growth (computer program)
EFL effective focal length
EFL equivalent focal length
EFP ESA-furnished property
EFSSS engine failure sensing and shutdown system
EFTO encrypted for transmission only
EGA evolved gas analysis
EGB electronic gimbal box
EGC experiment ground computer
EGF electrical grapple fixture
EGIL electrical, general instrumentation, and lighting
EGO eccentric geophysical observation
EGORD Experiment Ground Operations Requirements Document
EGRET energetic Gamma Ray Explorer telescope
EGSE electrical ground support equipment
EGT elapsed ground time
EGT estimated ground time
EGT exhaust gas temperature
EH/M extension hose mouthpiece
EHA electrohydraulic actuator
EHC electrical heating control
EHF extremely high frequency
EHOT external hydrogen/oxygen tank
EHP effective horsepower
EHP electrical horsepower
EHS environmental health services
EHSD existing hardware/software data base
EHX experiment-dedicated heat exchanger
EI electronics interface
EI end item
EI engineering instruction
EI entry interface
EI environmental impact
EIA Electrical Industries Association
EIASN end item assembly sequence number
EIAT end item acceptance test
EIC Engineering Information Center
EIC experimental intercom
EICD experiment interface control document
EID end item documentation
EIDP end item data package
EIFA element interface functional analysis
EIM engineering information management
EIR environmental impact report
EIR experiment integration review
EIRP effective isotropic radiated power
EIS electrical integration system
EIS end item specification
EIS engineering information system
EIS environmental impact statement
EIT entry interface time
EIU engine interface unit
EIVT electrical and instrumentation verification test
EIVT electrical interface verification test
EIVT electronic installation verification test
EIWB end item workbook
EKF extended Kalmar filter
EKG electrocardiogram
EKG electrocardiograph
EKG electrocardiography
EL elastic limit
EL electroluminescence
EL equipment laboratory
ELACS extended-life attitude control system
ELB electrical load bank
ELC Earth limb clutter
ELDV electrically operated depressurization valve
ELE Earth limb experiment
ELF extremely low frequency (1 Hz to 3 kHz)
ELINT electronic intelligence satellite
ELM experimental logistics module
ELMS elastic-loop mobility system
ELN Digital Equipment Corporation's real-time operating sn
ELP English language program
ELRAD Earth limb radiance
ELS eastern launch site
ELS elevon load system
ELS external lighting system
ELT emergency locator transmitter
ELV Earth launch vehicle
ELV expendable launch vehicle
EM electromagnetic
EM engineering model
EM exception monitor
EM&IAS electromechanical and integrated avionics subsystem
EMA electromagnetic analysis
EMA electromechanical actuator
EMA engineering and manufacturing aid
EMC electromagnetic capability
EMC electromagnetic compatibility
EMC electromagnetic control
EMC equivalent mission cycle
EMCC Emergency Mission Control Center
EMCD electromechanical control diagram
EMCFA electromagnetic compatibility frequency analysis
EMCI engineering model configuration inspection
EMCON emission control
EMD entry monitor display
EMDM enhanced multiplexer/demultiplexer
EMEC electromagnetic effects capability
EMEC electromagnetic effects compatibility
EMEC enhanced master events controller
EMES electrical, mechanical, and environmental systems
EMF electromotive force
EMG electromyogram
EMG electromyograph
EMG electromyography
EMI electromagnetic interface
EMI electromagnetic interference
EMISM electromagnetic interference safety margin
EMK emergency medical kit
EML Electromagnetic Laboratory
EML electromagnetic launcher
EMM electromechanical mockup
EMMA expert missile maintenance aid
EMMA expert missile maintenance aim
EMN engineering management network
EMON exception monitoring
EMP electromagnetic pulse
EMP enhanced MDM pallet
EMP equipment mounting plate
EMPGS electromechanical power generation subsystem
EMR Eastern Missile Range
EMR engine mix ratio
EMR engine mixture ratio
EMR executive management review
EMRL equipment maintenance requirements list
EMRLD excimer moderate Raman-shifted laser device
EMS electromagnetic susceptibility
EMS engineering master schedule
EMS entry monitor subsystem
EMS entry monitoring system
EMSP enhanced modular signal processor
EMT electrical metallic tubing
EMU engineering model unit
EMU extended memory unit
EMU extravehicular mobility unit
EMWA engineering minor work authorization
ENDF evaluated neutron data file
ENG electronystagnogram
ENS en route nuclear shuttle
ENVIRON space natural environment model
EO Earth observation
EO Earth orbit
EO Electronic Operations
EO electro-optic
EO electro-optics
EO engine-out
EO engineering order
EOAS engineering order accountability system
EOC Electro-Optical Center
EOC early operational capability
EOC edge of coverage
EOC end of contract
EOC engine order capability
EOC engine-out capability
EOCM electro-optical countermeasure
EOCR engineering order control record
EOD estimated on dock
EOD explosive ordnance disposal
EODB end of data block
EODRS Earth observation data retrieval system
EOF end of file
EOG electroculogram
EOHT external oxygen and hydrogen tank
EOI Earth orbit insertion
EOL Earth orbit launch
EOL end of life
EOL end of line
EOM Earth orbital mission
EOM Engineering Operations Manual
EOM end of message
EOM end of mission
EOM equation of motion
EOMF end of minor frame
EOP Earth and ocean physics
EOP emergency oxygen pack
EOPAP Earth and ocean physics application program
EOPF end of powered flight
EOPR engineering order purchase request
EOPR engineering order purchase requisition
EOQ economic order quantity
EOQ end of quarter
EOR Earth orbit rendezvous
EOR end of refresh
EORQ engineering order request for quotation
EORSAT electronic ocean reconstruction satellite
EOS Earth observation satellite
EOS Earth-orbit Shuttle
EOS electrophoretic separation
EOS emergency oxygen system
EOS extended operating system
EOSH electro-optical sensor hardening
EOSS Earth-orbital space station
EOSS extravehicular activity operational slide-wire system
EOT end of tape
EOT end of transmission
EOTF engineering order to follow
EOTS electro-optical threat sensor
EOW energy over weight
EP elbow pitch
EP electrical power
EP equivalent person
EP equivalent personnel
EP experiment planning
EP&PS electrical power and pyrotechnics subsystem
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPA engineering personnel authorization
EPA engineering project authorization
EPA estimated plan of action
EPC electronic parts control
EPC error protection code
EPC external power contractor
EPCDC electrical power conditioning, distribution, and control
EPD electrical power distribution
EPD emergency procedures document
EPD&C electrical power distribution and control
EPD&CS electrical power distribution and control subsystem
EPDB experiment power distribution box
EPDC electrical power distribution and control
EPDCS electrical power distribution and control system
EPDM ethylene propylene diene monomer
EPDS electrical power distribution system
EPDU electrical power distribution unit
EPG electrical power generator
EPGCS electrical power generation and control subsystem
EPGS electrical power generation subsystem
EPIRSS extended-performance infrared search set
EPL electrical power level
EPL electronic, electrical, and electromechanical parts list
EPL emergency power level
EPL expected power level
EPM engineering project manager
EPMS engineering performance management system
EPO element project office
EPOC External Payload Operations Center
EPPSS electrical power/pyro sequential system
EPR engine pressure ratio
EPR engineering purchase request
EPRN emergency program release notice
EPROM erasable programmable read-only memory
EPS electrical power system (subsystem)
EPS emergency power system
EPS experimental power supply
EPSP experiment power switching panel
EPSTF Electrical Power System Test Facility
EPT emergency procedure trainer
EPT environmental proof test
EPT ethylene propylene terpolymer
EPT external pipe thread
EPTU events per time unit
EPWG Environmental Projects Working Group
EPWG Experiment Planning Working Group
EPY electronic control assembly pitch and yaw
EQE event queue element
ER established reliability
ER explanation report
ER extended reliability
ER&I engine receiving and inspection
ERA electrical replaceable assembly
ERA element-relationship-attribute
ERAP Earth resources aircraft program
ERB Engineering Review Board
ERBACT ERB action item
ERBM extended-range ballistic missile
ERBS Earth radiation budget satellite
ERC Employee Recognition Center
ERC event recorder
ERCAR electrochemically regenerable CO2 absorber and
ERCB Energy Resources Control Board
ERCM engineering requirements and change management
EREP Earth resources package
ERETS Edwards rocket engine test site
ERG electroretinogram
ERG electroretinograph
ERG electroretinography
ERIM Environmental Research Institute of Michigan
ERINT exoatmospheric reentry vehicle interceptor
ERIS endoatmospheric reentry vehicle interceptor system
ERIS exoatmospheric research interceptor system
ERISA Employee Retirement Income Security Act
ERM executive review meeting
ERNO Entwicklungts Ring Nord Organization, Space Division of Eum, VFW-Fokker-Mannheim, Germany (Spacelab contractor)
ERO engineering release operation
ERP educational reimbursement program
ERP effected radiative power
ERP effective radiation power
ERP elevator reference plane
ERP eye reference point
ERR electrical resistance requirement
ERR engineering release record
ERRC expendability, recoverability, and repair capability
ERRP equipment replacement and refurbishment plan
ERS engineering release system
ERS entry and recovery simulation
ERSI elastomeric reusable surface insulation
ERSIR Earth resources Shuttle imaging radar
ERTG economic radioisotope thermoelectric generator
ERTS Earth resources technology satellite
ERU Earth rate unit (15 deg/hr)
ERV experimental reentry vehicle
ERV expiratory reserve volume
ES Earth sensor
ES Electrochemical Society
ES engineering specification
ES equal section
ES escape system
ES experiment segment
ES expert system
ESA European Space Agency
ESA engineering supply area
ESA engineering support area
ESA engineering system assembly
ESA explosive safe area (KSC)
ESB essential switching box
ESCA electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
ESCS electronic spacecraft simulator
ESD Electronic Systems Division (NASA)
ESD Electronics Systems Division (USAF)
ESD Experiment Systems Division
ESD electrostatic discharge
ESD emergency shutdown
ESDAC European Space Data Center (Darmstadt, Germany)
ESDP external sensor data processing
ESDU event storage and distribution unit
ESE EVA support equipment
ESE electrical support equipment
ESE electronic support equipment
ESE engineering support equipment
ESF explosive safe facility
ESI electrical system integration
ESM electronic support measure
ESM energy storage module
ESM environmental systems monitor
ESM experiment support module
ESMC Eastern Space and Missile Center
ESMCR Eastern Space and Missile Center regulation
ESMS environmental and special measurements systems
ESO event sequence override
ESOC European Space Operations Center
ESOW engineering statement of work
ESP Employee Suggestion Program
ESP economic simulation program
ESP electroshock protection
ESP engineering simulator program
ESP environmental sensing platform
ESP experiment sensing platform
ESPS experiment segment pallet simulator
ESR effective sunrise
ESR engineering support request
ESR equipment status report
ESRIN European Space Research Institute
ESRO European Space Research Organization
ESS early space station
ESS effective sunset
ESS emergency survival system
ESS energy storage subsystem
ESS environmental support system
ESS equipment support section
ESS experiment subsystem simulator
ESSA Environmental Sciences Services Administration
ESSA electrically steerable spherical array
ESSC Engineering Support Services Contract
EST eastern standard time
ESTA escape system test article
ESTEC European Space Technology Center
ESTF Electronic System Test Facility (NASA)
ESTL Electronic Systems Test Laboratory
ESU eyepiece storage unit
ESV emergency shutoff valve
ESVS escape suit ventilation system
ESVS escape system ventilation system
ESW engine status word
ET edge thickness
ET elapsed time
ET element test
ET elevated temperature
ET event timer
ET external tank
ETA engineering test article
ETA estimated time of arrival
ETA estimated time to acquisition
ETA explosive transfer assembly
ETA external tank attachment
ETB equipment transfer bag
ETC Earth terrain camera
ETC Greenbelt, Maryland (STDN site)
ETC estimate to completion
ETC estimated cost to complete
ETCO equipment transfer/change order
ETD electrical terminal distributor
ETD estimated turnover date
ETD evolutionary terminal defense
ETD external tank door
ETE end to end
ETEDB external thermal environment data base
ETEEM end-to-end engagement model
ETEEM end-to-end engineering model
ETF Eglin Test Facility
ETI elapsed-time indicator
ETIC estimated time in commission
ETL Environmental Test Laboratory
ETLOW external tank lift-off weight
ETM elapsed-time meter
ETM engineering test model
ETO Earth to orbit
ETO ethylene oxide
ETOC estimated time of correction
ETP engineering test phase
ETP environmental test plan
ETP equipment test plan
ETPY electronic control assembly thrust vector pitch and yaw
ETR Eastern Test Range
ETROD Eastern Test Range operations directive
ETRR environmental test readiness review
ETS electrical test set
ETS energy transfer system
ETS external tank system (subsystem)
ETSS external tank separation subsystem
ETT estimated time of track
ETUD external tank umbilical disconnect
ETV electrical test vehicle
ETVA external tank vent arm
EU electronic unit
EU engineering unit
EU experimental unit
EURECA European retrievable carrier
EUROCOMSAT European consortium communications satellite
EUV extreme ultraviolet
EUVE extreme ultraviolet experiment
EV earned value
EV entry vehicle
EV expendable vehicle
EV extravehicular
EV88 Experiment Version 88 (BMC3 experiment)
EVA earned-value analysis
EVA extravehicular activity
EVAL Earth-viewing applications laboratory
EVAS extravehicular activity system
EVATA extravehicular activity translational aid
EVC extravehicular communications
EVCF Eastern Vehicle Checkout Facility
EVCON events control (controller)
EVCS extravehicular communications system
EVCU extravehicular communications umbilical
EVD external visual display
EVDE external visual display equipment
EVF equipment visibility file
EVLSS extravehicular life support system
EVM Earth-viewing module
EVMU extravehicular mobility unit
EVO engineering verification order
EVS equipment visibility system
EVS extravehicular suit
EVSC extravehicular suit communications
EVSS extravehicular space suit
EVSTC extravehicular suit telecommunications
EVSU extravehicular space unit
EVT extravehicular transfer
EW electronic warfare
EWA estimated warehouse arrival
EWE emergency window escape
EWM engineering wring-out meeting
EWO engineering work order
EWR engineering work request
EWW extended workweek
EXC experiment computer
EXCABL expert cable (automated payload cabling system)
EXH exchange hardware
EXMATCH expert drawing matching system
EXO experiment operator (in Spacelab)
EXT experiment terminal (operator console on Spacelab)
EXTRAJ ascent trajectory (design expert system)
eV electron volt