NASA Acronyms -H-


H altitude
H altitude rate
H hazardous (task classification)
H henry (SI unit)
H momentum
H&D hardened and dispersed
H&K homing and kill
H-CITE horizontal cargo integration test equipment
H-S Hamilton Standard
H-S horizon scanner
H-S horizon sensor
H/A hazardous area
H/B hyperbaric
H/C head count
H/E heat exchanger
H/F human factor
H/L hardline
H/O handover
H/S heat shield
H/SIR hardware and software integration review
H/X heat exchanger
H2O2 hydrogen peroxide
H2S hydrogen sulfide
HA apogee altitude
HA hazard analysis
HA high altitude
HA higher authority
HAA high-altitude abort
HAADS high-altitude attitude determination system
HAARS high-altitude attitude reference system
HAB high-altitude burst
HABP Hypersonic Arbitrary Body Program
HAC Hughes Aircraft Company
HAC heading alignment circle
HAC heading alignment cylinder
HAD heat-actuated device
HAFB Hill Air Force Base
HAFB Holloman Air Force Base
HAINS high-accuracy inertial navigation system
HAK horizontal access kit
HAL Houston aerospace language
HAL high-order articulated language
HAL high-order assembly language
HAL/S high-order assembly language for Shuttle
HAL/S high-order programming language for Spacelab usage
HALO high-altitude large optics
HAM height adjustment maneuver
HAMP handling and moving procedure
HANE high-altitude nuclear explosion
HAP Hardware Allocation Panel
HAP Honeywell array processor
HAP high-speed arithmetic processor
HAR hazard analysis report
HAS high-altitude sensor
HAS hold-down alignment support
HAS hydraulic actuation system
HASC high-altitude surveillance concept
HAST high-altitude supersonic target
HAW Hawaii (STDN)
HB half-breadth
HB handbook
HB high bay
HB hyperbaric
HBBW half-beam bandwidth
HBR high bit rate
HBT Heflex bioengineering test
HBW hot bridge wire
HC hand control
HC head count
HC high carbon
HC hybrid computer
HCCB Hardware Configuration Control Board
HCDB historical cost data base
HCF HIM configuration file
HCF high-cycle fatigue
HCI hardness-critical item
HCM hard-copy module
HCMM heat capacity mapping mission
HCP hydraulic circulation pump
HCR high cross range
HCRB Hardware Configuration Review Board
HCS high-carbon steel
HCSHT high-carbon steel heat-treated
HCSL Hybrid Computation and Simulation Laboratory
HCU hydraulic charging unit
HCV helium check valve
HCl hydrogen chloride
HD hand-drawn
HD heavy duty
HD highly desirable
HD hold-down
HD horizontal drain
HD hydrogen drain
HDA hardware disposition area
HDA housekeeping data acquisition
HDC Hasselblad data camera
HDDR high-density digital recorder
HDI Human Development Institute
HDP hold-down post
HDR high data rate
HDRA high-data-rate assembly
HDRM high-data-rate multiplexer
HDRR high-data-rate recorder
HDRS high-data-rate system
HDRSS high-data-rate storage system
HDS hardware description sheet
HDS hydrogen disposal system
HDTV high-definition television
HDX half-duplex
HE hardware evaluation
HE hardware evaluator
HE heat exchange
HE heat exchanger
HE high explosive
HE high explosive on target
HE high-energy astrophysics
HE human engineering
HEAO High-Energy Astronomy Observatory
HEAP high-energy aimpoint
HEDI high endoatmospheric defense interceptor
HEDS high endo designation sensor
HEDSIM high endo simulation
HEDSIM high endoatmospheric defense system simulator
HEDSIM high endoatmospheric event-based simulation
HEL high-energy laser
HELCUSS high-energy laser computerized unmanned space
HELF high-energy laser fluence
HEM hitchhike experiment module
HEMIL hardware evaluator, man in loop
HEO high Earth orbit
HEO high-energy orbit
HEOO Honeywell Electro-Optical Operations
HEOR historical event operation record
HEOS high endo designator sensor
HEPA high-efficiency particle accumulator
HEPA high-efficiency particle air
HER HIM equipment rack
HERSCP hazardous exposure reduction and safety criteria plan
HERT Headquarters Emergency Relocation Team
HESS high-energy squib simulator
HEXAD developmental 6-axis IMU
HF hard failure
HF high frequency
HF horizontal flight
HF hot firing
HF hydrogen fill
HF hydrogen fluoride
HF/DF hydrogen fluoride/deuterium fluoride
HFA high-frequency accelerometer
HFC heat flow and convection
HFC hydraulic flight control
HFCL Hydraulic Flight Control Laboratory
HFCT hydraulic flight control test
HFCV helium flow control valve
HFCW hydrogen fluoride continuous wave
HFDP human factors development plan
HFDS hydrogen fluid distribution system
HFE high-frequency executive
HFE human factors engineering
HFMP human factors management plan
HFMU high-fidelity mockup
HFO high-frequency oscillator
HFP hardened focal plane
HFRA high-frequency recovery antenna
HFRW high-frequency resistance welding
HFS high-fidelity simulator
HFS horizontal flight simulator
HFS hyperfine structure
HFT horizontal flight test
HFTE human factors test and engineering
HFTF horizontal flight test facility
HFTS horizontal flight test simulator
HFX high-frequency transceiver
HG high gain
HGA high-gain antenna
HGAS high-gain antenna system
HGDS hazardous gas detection system
HGM hot-gas manifold
HGS hydrogen gas saver
HGV hydrogen gas valve
HGVT horizontal ground vibration test
HH handhold
HHMU hand-held maneuvering unit
HI Honeywell, Incorporated
HIAD Handbook of Information for Aircraft Designers
HIAD High-Altitude Defense Program
HIBREL high-brightness relay
HIC hardware integration contractor
HICAMP Highly Calibrated Airborne Measurements Program
HID HIM interface distributor
HID hardware interface device
HIGED Handbook of Instructions for Ground Equipment Designers
HIL hardware in loop
HIL human in the loop
HILS hardware-in-the-loop simulation
HIM hardware interface module
HIP hardware interface panel
HIP hardware interface processor
HIP hardware interface program
HIP hot isostatic press
HIPO hierarchical input-process output
HIPO hierarchy plus input, process, and output
HITS hierarchical integrated test simulator
HITS high-rate multiplexer input and output test system
HIU headset interface unit
HIV helium isolation valve
HK housekeeping
HKV hit-to-kill vehicle
HL hard line
HL heel line
HL high level
HL hinge line
HL hydrogen line
HLAL high-level assembler language
HLC hybrid load controller
HLCM high-level control module
HLLV heavy-lift launch vehicle
HLTL high-level test language
HM hinge mount
HMA hypergolic maintenance area
HMB hard mobile basing
HMC hybrid microcircuit
HMCF hypergolic maintenance and checkout facility
HMD head-mounted device
HMD helmet-mounted display
HMF health maintenance facility
HMF horizontal mating facility
HMF hypergolic maintenance facility (KSC)
HML hard mobile launcher
HML hardened mobile launcher
HMO health maintenance organization
HMP hydrazine monopropellant (RCS propellant)
HMPAC helmet-mounted multipurpose applications control
HMS hazard monitor system
HMS health monitoring system
HMS history memory system
HMTT Hurricane Mesa Test Track
HMU hardware mockup
HMV hydrogen manual valve
HNCO high-precision numerical-controlled oscillator
HO hydrogen-oxygen
HOE homing optical experiment
HOE homing overlay experiment
HOFCO horizontal functional checkout
HOL high-order language
HOL higher order language
HOLAB holographic laboratory brassboard
HOLC high-order language computer
HOS high-order software
HOS hybrid operating system
HOSC Huntsville Operations Support Center
HOST hardened optical sensor test bed
HOW handover word
HP Hewlett-Packard
HP handling procedure
HP high pass
HP high pressure
HP horsepower
HP hydrogen purge
HP perigee altitude
HP pressure altitude
HPA handling and positioning aid
HPA high-power amplifier
HPA high-power antenna
HPAU high-power amplifier unit
HPBRM high payload baseline reference mission
HPBW half-power beam width
HPC corrected pressure altitude
HPF Horizontal Processing Facility
HPF highest probable frequency
HPFT high-pressure fuel turbopump
HPFTP high-pressure fuel turbopump
HPG high-pressure gas
HPGS high-pressure gas system
HPI high-performance insulation
HPICS heat pipe instrumentation and control system
HPM Harvard Project Manager
HPM high-performance motor
HPM high-power microwave
HPOL High-Power Optics Laboratory
HPOP high-pressure oxidizer pump
HPOT high-pressure oxidizer turbopump
HPOTP high-pressure oxidizer turbopump
HPPF Horizontal Payloads Processing Facility
HPR hydrogen pressure regulator
HPRV hydrogen pressure relief valve
HPS hydraulic power system
HPT high-pressure test
HPU high-power unit
HPU hydraulic power unit
HPU hydraulic propulsion unit
HPU uncorrected pressure altitude
HPV high-pressure valve
HQ headquarters
HQR handling qualities rating (Cooper-Harper)
HR heat-resistant
HR historical record
HR hydrogen relief
HR&T heat rejection and transport
HRAA high-rate acquisition assembly
HRC Hasselblad reflex camera
HRD high-rate dosimeter
HRDA high-rate data assembly
HRDM high-rate demultiplexer
HRDR high-rate digital recorder
HRE hardware reuse evaluation
HRG hemispherical resonating gyro
HRIR high-resolution infrared radiometer
HRL horizontal reference line
HRM hand-held radiation meter
HRM high-rate multiplexer
HRMA high-resolution mirror assembly
HRPS hazard reduction precedence sequence
HRSI high-temperature reusable surface insulation
HRSO high-resolution solar observatory
HRTS HR&T system
HS hard silo
HS heat shield
HS heat suppression
HS high speed
HS horizon sensor
HS hot short
HS hydrogen sulfide
HSA heat shield abort
HSB heat shield boost
HSC hardware and software coordination
HSC hierarchical storage controller
HSC house spacecraft
HSCS high-speed communications subsystem
HSCU hydraulic supply and checkout unit
HSD Hamilton Standard Division
HSD high-speed data
HSD high-speed device
HSD horizontal situation display
HSDL high-speed data line
HSE heat shield entry
HSF Hypergolic Servicing Facility
HSG high sustained g's (acceleration)
HSG high-speed gear
HSI horizontal situation indicator
HSIG hermetically sealed integrating gyroscope
HSK horizontal sling kit
HSL Hardware Simulation Laboratory
HSP high-speed printer
HSR hardware status register
HSR heat-shield recovery
HSR high speed reader
HSRV heat-source reentry vehicle
HSS high stress/strain
HSSM hardened space sensor model
HST Hubble Space Telescope
HSTF Hypergolic System Test Facility
HSU helium service unit
HSV hypersonic vehicle
HT Hadamard transform
HT heat transfer
HT heat treatment
HT heat-treat
HT high technology
HTC high-temperature carbon
HTC hybrid technology computer
HTE hazardous top-level event
HTLL high-test-level language
HTM high-throughput mission
HTO horizontal takeoff
HTP hydroxyl terminated propellant
HTPB hydroxyl terminated polybutylene
HTPB hydroxyl terminator polybutadiene
HTS Hawaii tracking station
HTS heat transfer system
HTS heat transport section
HUD head-up display
HUL hardware utilization list
HULL hardware utilization and location list
HUT hard upper torso
HV high velocity
HV high voltage
HV hydrogen vent
HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
HVDS hazardous vapor detection system
HVE high-voltage electronics
HVI high-velocity impact
HVM hydraulic valve module
HVM hypervelocity missile
HVPS high-voltage power supply
HVSF Honeywell Verification Simulation Facility
HVSL holidays, vacation, and sick leave
HW half word
HW hardware
HW head wind
HW heavyweight
HW hot wire
HW/SW hardware/software
HWCI hardware configuration item
HWIL hardware in loop
HWT hypersonic wind tunnel
HX heat exchanger
HYDAC hybrid digital-analog computer
HYPACE hybrid programmable attitude control electronics
HYSAT hybrid satellite
HYSAT hybrid sensor experimental satellite
HeG helium gauge
HeGV helium gauge valve
HeMV helium manual valve
HgCdTe mercury-cadmium-telluride
HiRAP high-resolution accelerometer package
Hz hertz (cycles per second)