NASA Acronyms -N-


N Newton
N&G navigation and guidance
N-S Navier-Stokes
N/A Nova interface adapter
N/A next assembly
N/A not applicable
N/B narrow band
N/C normally closed
N/C nose cone
N/C not critical
N/C numerical control
N/C numerically controlled
N/D need date
N/FTS near-/far-term system
N/L no limit
N/O normally open
N/P not provided
N/R not required
N/W network
N/m2 Newtons per meter squared
N2H2 hydrazine
N2O4 nitrogen tetroxide
NA next action
NA nodal architect
NA not applicable
NA numerical aperture
NAA North American Aircraft
NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NAAL North American Aerodynamic Laboratory (wind tunnel)
NAC Naval Avionics Center
NAD network adapter device
NAEC Naval Air Engineering Center
NAM National Association of Manufacturers
NAM nuclear assessment methodology
NAP navigation analysis program
NAR numerical analysis research
NARS National Archives and Record Services
NAS National Academy of Sciences
NAS national aircraft standard
NAS national airspace system
NAS naval air station
NAS nonavionics simulator
NAS numerical aerodynamic simulation
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASCOM NASA communications (network)
NASDA National Space Development Agency (Japan)
NASO North American Space Operations
NASP National AeroSpace Plane
NASTRAN NASA structural analysis program
NAT nonconformance action team
NATF Naval Air Test Facility
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAUI National Association of Underwater Instructors
NAVAID navigation aid
NAVDAD navigational derived air data
NAVEX navigation expert
NAVPOOL navigation parameter common pool
NAVSAT navigation satellite
NAVSIM autonomous navigation simulator
NAVT NASA altimeter verification telemetry
NB narrow band
NB navigation base
NB nitrogen base
NB no bias (relay)
NBA NSTS berthing adapter
NBA narrow-band amplifier
NBDL Naval Bio-Dynamics Laboratory
NBF Neutral Buoyancy Facility
NBOSS new-business operations support system
NBS National Bureau of Standards
NBS neutral buoyancy simulation
NBSAMRF National Bureau of Standards Advanced Research Facility
NBT neutral buoyancy trainer
NC national course
NC no change
NC no comment
NC noise criteria
NC normal corrective
NC normally closed
NC numerical control
NC numerically controlled
NC1 nominal correction 1 (phasing maneuver)
NCA National Command Authority
NCC NASA Communications Control
NCC NASA class code
NCC NTB Control Center
NCC Navstar Control Center
NCC Network Control Center (GSFC)
NCC nominal corrective combination (maneuver)
NCC normal corrective combination (maneuver)
NCG Nuclear Criteria Group
NCG noncondensible gas
NCIU network common interface unit
NCMC NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Complex
NCO numerically controlled oscillator
NCOS National Commission on Space
NCR no calibration required
NCR nonconformance/failure report
NCS network control station
NCS nutation control system
NCSC National Computer Security Center
NCU nozzle control unit
ND NASA document
ND neutral density
ND nondimensional
NDE nondestructive evaluation
NDI nondestructive inspection
NDRO nondestructive readout
NDS network distribution service
NDS nuclear detection system
NDST nondimensional special tool
NDT nondestructive test
NDT nondestructive testing
NDTF nondestructive test facility
NDTL nondestructive test laboratory
NDU navigation data unit
NDUS NUDET detection user segment
NDV NASP-derived vehicle
NEA noise equivalent angle
NEACP National Emergency Airborne Command Post
NEAX noise equivalent change in translation
NEC national electrical code
NEEDS NASA end-to-end data system
NEFD noise equivalent flux density
NEI noise equivalent irradiance
NEI nonexplosive initiation
NELS nuclear effects link simulator
NEMS NASA equipment management system
NENU nonexempt, nonunion
NEP noise equivalent power
NEP nominal entry point
NEP normal entry point
NERVA nuclear engine for rocket vehicle application
NES network encryption system
NESC national electrical safety code
NESP Naval Extremely High Frequency Satellite Program
NESR natural environment support room
NESS National Environmental Satellite Service
NEST nuclear emergency search team
NET NASA employee team
NET Nimbus Experiment team
NET noise equivalent target
NET noise equivalent temperature
NETCOM network communications
NETSIM network simulation
NEU nonexempt, union
NEVADA net energy verification and determination analyzer
NEVS NASA equipment visibility system
NEWS new engineering work schedule
NEWS new engineering work system
NF natural flood
NF noise figure
NFLNA noise figure low-noise amplifier
NFPA National Fire Prevention Association
NFS NASA FAR supplement
NFS network file server
NFS nozzle flow sensor
NFW nonfuel-wasting
NG narrow gauge
NG nitrogen gauge
NG nose gear
NGC next-generation controller
NGS NUDET ground system
NGT NASA ground terminal
NH nominal height (adjust maneuver)
NH normal height (adjust maneuver)
NH&S nuclear hardening and survivability
NH4 hydrazine
NHA next higher assembly
NHB NASA Handbook
NHC National Hurricane Center
NIB noninterference basis
NIC not in contract
NICE Navstar interface control equipment
NIDS network interface data system
NIM nuclear instrumentation module
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NIP network input processor
NIP network interface processor
NISS national integrated scheduling system
NIU network interface unit
NJP network job processing
NL no limit
NL nose left
NLA next lower assembly
NLD Network Logistics Depot
NLG nose landing gear
NLGD nose landing gear door
NLM nonlinear material
NLRB National Labor Relations Board
NLT not later than
NLT not less than
NM network manager (GSFC)
NM nonmetallic
NMA National Management Association
NMAB National Materials Advisory Board
NMC National Meteorological Center
NMCC National Military Command Center
NMI NASA management instruction
NMO normal manual operation
NMOS negative-type metal oxide semiconductor
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
NMT not more than
NMT notification of master tool
NMTA National Metal Trades Association
NMTBA National Machine Tool Builders' Association
NMTS next manned transportation system
NMV nitrogen manual valve
NNK nonnuclear kill
NO nitrous oxide
NO normally open
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOC network operation control
NOC not otherwise coded
NOC notation of content
NOCC Network Operations Control Center (GSFC)
NOD notice of discrepancy
NOES National Operational Environmental Satellite
NOM network output multiplexer
NOMOCALC spectral nomographic calculator
NOP normal operating procedure
NOPAR non-OPPL part approval requests
NOPAR nonorbiter parts authorization request
NOR notice of revision
NORAD North American Air Defense Command
NORDSAT Scandinavian countries' broadcast satellite
NOS network operating system
NOSL night/day optical survey of thunderstorm lightning
NOSP near-object scanning probe
NOSP network operations support plan
NOSS National Oceanic Satellite System
NOTS Naval Ordnance Test Station
NP navigation payload
NP network program
NP not provided
NPB neutral particle beam
NPC NASA procurement circular
NPC NASA publication control
NPC normal plane change
NPD NASA policy directive
NPD nominal percent defective
NPDS nuclear particle detection subsystem
NPF Navstar processing facility
NPG naval proving ground
NPL normal power level (see RPL)
NPN NASA part number
NPRV nitrogen pressure relief valve
NPS NASA planning studies
NPS nonpropulsive stage
NPSH net positive suction head
NPSP net positive static pressure
NPSP net positive suction pressure
NPSS NASA packet switching system
NPT Navy pointer and tracker
NPU nitrogen purge unit
NPV nitrogen pressure valve
NR noise rating
NR nose right
NR not required
NRALT NASA radar altimeter
NRB nuclear reactor/Brayton
NRC National Research Council
NRC Nitrosso rubber coating
NRC nonrecurring costs
NRCC National Research Council of Canada
NRD National Range Division
NRDS Nuclear Rocket Development Station (NASA)
NRFA navigation radio frequency assembly
NRI nonrecurring investment
NRL Naval Research Laboratory
NRM nonrecurring maintenance
NRP normal rated power
NRS nonconformance reporting system
NRT near real time
NRTS not repairable at this station
NRZ nonreturn to zero
NRZ-L nonreturn-to-zero level
NRZ-PSK nonreturn-to-zero phase shift key
NRZ-TTL nonreturn-to-zero transistor-transistor logic
NS nickel steel
NS not switchable
NS nuclear Shuttle
NSA National Security Agency
NSA National Standards Association
NSA nosewheel steering amplifier
NSACOR National Security Agency Central Office of Record
NSAS NSTS/SSPE attachment systems
NSC NASA standard computer
NSC Network Support Committee
NSC navigational star catalog
NSC nonstandard CA code
NSCCA nuclear safety cross-check analysis
NSD NASA standard detonator
NSE nosewheel steering enable
NSHS nosewheel steering hydraulic system
NSI NASA standard initiator
NSI network support item
NSI-I NASA standard initiator Type I
NSIA National Security Industrial Association
NSIF Near-Space Instrumentation Facility
NSL Northrop Space Laboratory
NSLD NASA Shuttle Logistics Depot
NSM network status monitor
NSN national stock number
NSO NASA support operation
NSP NASA support plan
NSP network signal processing
NSP network signal processor
NSPAR nonstandard part approval request
NSR nominal slow rate
NSR normal slow rate (maneuver)
NSR1 first coelliptic maneuver
NSR2 second coelliptic maneuver
NSS network simulation system
NSSCC NORAD Space Surveillance Computation Center
NSSDC National Space Science Data Center
NSTI NASA simulation traffic interface
NSTL National Space Technology Laboratories (now John C. Stennis Space Center)
NSTS National Space Transportation System
NSTSPO NSTS Program Office
NSU node switching unit
NSY nonstandard Y code
NT&A no test and ancillary
NTB National Test Bed
NTBOS NTB operating software
NTBSIM NTB simulation
NTD NASA test director
NTE navigation telemetry encoder
NTF National Test Facility
NTIS National Technical Information Service
NTO nitrogen tetroxide
NTO nitrous oxide
NTP network test panel
NTP normal temperature and pressure
NTP notice to proceed
NTS navigation technology satellite
NTS near-term schedule
NTS nonavionics test station
NTS not to scale
NTSO NASA Test Support Office
NTSS nitrogen transfer and storage system
NTTF network test and training facility
NUDET nuclear detonation
NUL non-GSE utilization list
NUTI NASCOM user traffic interface
NV NASA altimeter verification
NV nuclear vehicle
NVAFB North Vandenberg Air Force Base
NVE nonvisual eyepiece
NVEOL Night Vision and Electro-Optical Laboratory
NVM nonvolatile memory
NVR NASA waiver
NVR no verification required
NVR no voltage release
NVR nonvolatile residue
NW nosewheel
NWE nuclear weapons effect
NWG natural work group
NWMP nuclear weapons monitor plan
NWS National Weather Service
NWS nosewheel steering
NWSA nosewheel steering amplifier
NWT nonwatertight
NWU north, west, up
NWW nosewheel well
NX normal to X-axis
NX nose to X-axis
NY normal to Y-axis
NY nose to Y-axis
NZ normal acceleration
NZ normal load factor (g)
NZ normal to Z-axis
NZ nose to Z-axis
NZB nonzero binary
Nd:YAG neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet
n neutron
nm nanometer
nmi nautical mile
ns nanosecond