NASA Acronyms -O-


O&C operations and checkout
O&C operations and control
O&FS operations and flight support
O&M operations and maintenance
O&P operations and procedures
O&R overhaul and repair
O&S operational and support
O&S operations and support
O/B on board
O/B operational base
O/C operations critical
O/D on dock
O/D outside diameter
O/F oxidizer-to-fuel ratio
O/L overload
O/L-RC overload reverse current
O/R outside radius
O/R oxygen relief
O/V overvoltage
O/V-U/V overvoltage/undervoltage
OA Office of Applications
OA omnidirectional antenna
OA operational aft
OA operational instrumentation MDM aft
OA orbit adjust (telemetry)
OA orbiter assembly
OA output axis
OA overall
OAA ORU alternative analysis
OAA orbiter access arm
OAA orbiter alternate airfield
OAB Ordnance and Assembly Building
OAFD orbiter aft flight deck
OAFTO Orbiter Atmospheric Flight Test Office
OAHTS orbiter avionics hardware tracking system
OAL overall level
OALC Ogden Air Logistics Center
OAME orbital attitude and maneuvering electronics
OAMP Optical Airborne Measurements Program
OAMS orbital attitude and maneuvering system
OAO orbital astronomical observatory
OAR off-axis rejection
OARE Orbital Acceleration Research Experiment
OARME Oxygen Atom Reaction Materials Experiment
OARS Orbiter Avionics Radiation Specification
OAS office automation system
OAS optical assembly simulator
OAS orbiter aeroflight simulator
OAS orbiter atmospheric simulator
OAS orbiter avionics simulator
OAS orbiter avionics system
OASCB Orbiter Avionics Software Control Board
OASIS Orbit Avionics Software Integration Study (IBM's)
OASIS oceanic and atmospheric scientific information system
OASIS orbiter experiment autonomous supporting instrumentation
OASM Office of Aerospace Medicine (NASA)
OASPL overall sound pressure level
OAST Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology
OAT operational acceptance test
OAT overall test
OATS orbiter avionics tracking system
OB on board
OB operational base
OB outboard
OBC on-board checkout
OBC on-board computer
OBCO on-board checkout
OBCP on-board computer program
OBCS on-board checkout subsystem
OBDU on-board diagnostic unit
OBS operational bioinstrumentation system
OBS operational biomed sensor
OBS operational biomedical system
OBV oxidizer bleed valve
OC on center
OC on condition
OC open circuit
OC orbital check
OC over center
OC overcurrent
OCA orbiter capability analysis
OCA orbiter capability assessment
OCAC orbiter cabin air cleaner
OCALC Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center
OCB operational configuration baseline
OCC Office of Contract Compliance
OCC Operations Control Center
OCCP orbit command computer program
OCCS operator control console subsystem
OCD operational concept document
OCD operations concept documentation
OCDR orbiter critical design review
OCDU optics coupling data unit (G&N)
OCE Ocean Color Experiment
OCF on-board computational facility
OCF orbiter computational facilities
OCH orbiter common hardware
OCI organizational conflict of interest
OCM optical countermeasure
OCN operation control number
OCN order change number
OCN order control number
OCO OMS cutoff
OCO open-close-open
OCP Office of Commercial Programs
OCP operations checkout procedure
OCP output control pulse
OCR operational capability readiness
OCR operational concept review
OCR optical character reader
OCR optical character recognition
OCS on-board checkout system
OCS operational control segment
OCU ordnance control unit
OD observational data (telemetry)
OD operational downlink
OD operations directive
OD operations director
OD outside diameter
OD oxygen drain
OD&E operational demonstration and evaluation
ODA optical diagnostic assembly
ODB operational data base
ODB operational data book
ODC other direct costs
ODCDR orbiter delta CDR
ODDL on-board digital data load
ODDP object-dependent data processor
ODDS operational data delivery services
ODDTE Office of the Director, Defense Test and Evaluation
ODE operational demonstration and evaluation
ODES Optical Discrimination Evaluation Study
ODF orbit determination facility
ODF output data formatter
ODIN orbital design integration system
ODM orbiter disconnect mechanism
ODOP offset Doppler (tracking system)
ODP operational display procedure
ODR output data redundancy
ODRAN operational drawing revision advance notice
ODRC Orbiter Data Reduction Center
ODU output display unit
OEAS orbital emergency arresting system
OEC other early capability
OECO outboard engine cutoff
OEM original equipment manufacturer
OEPS operationally efficient propulsion system
OES orbiter emergency site
OESS orbiter/ET separation system
OET orbiter engineering and test
OEX orbiter experiment
OEXP Office of Exploration
OF operational forward DSC or MDM
OF operational instrumentation MDM forward
OF orbital flight
OF outside face
OF oxygen fill
OFCC Office of Federal Contract Compliance
OFCCP Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
OFDS orbiter flight dynamic simulator
OFDS oxygen fluid distribution system
OFI operational flight instrumentation
OFK optical flight kit
OFP operational flight profile
OFP operational flight program
OFP orbiter flight program
OFS orbital flight system
OFS orbiter flight simulator
OFS orbiter flight system
OFS orbiter functional simulator
OFT operational flight test
OFT orbital flight test
OFT orbital flight training
OFTDS orbital flight test data system
OFVR out-of-field-of-view rejection
OG outer gimbal (roll)
OG oxygen gage
OGA outer gimbal angle
OGA outer gimbal axis
OGE operating ground equipment
OGMT orbiter Greenwich mean time
OGTM one-g trainer and mockup
OGV oxygen gage valve
OH overhaul
OH overhead
OHA operating hazard analysis
OHA orbital height adjustment maneuver
OHC optics hand controller
OHF occupational health facility
OHGVT orbital horizontal ground vibration test
OI operating instruction
OI operational increment (software)
OI operational instrumentation
OI operations interface
OI orbiter insertion
OI orbiter instrumentation
OIA Office of Internal Affairs
OIA Office of International Affairs
OIA orbiter interface adapter
OIB Operating Improvement Board
OIC orbital integrated checkout
OIDB OI data base
OIE orbiter integration engineering
OII operations integration instruction
OIO operations integration officer
OIR open item report
OIR operations integration review
OIS Optical Imager Study
OIS operational intercommunication system
OIS orbit injection subsystem
OIS orbit inserting system
OIS orbit insertion subsystem
OIS orbiter insertion system
OIS orbiter instrumentation systems
OISAR optical inverse synthetic-aperture radar
OISR open item status report
OISS open item status subsystem
OISTP Oxygen-Iodine Supersonic Technology Program
OIT orbiter integrated test
OIT orbiter integration test
OIT orbiter interface test
OIV oxidizer isolation valve
OIVS orbiter interface verification set
OJT on-the-job training
OL open loop
OL operational left DSC or MDM
OL overlay
OL overload
OLDB on-line data bank
OLERD orbiter landing emergency rescue data
OLF orbiter lifting frame
OLIF Orbiter Landing Instrumentation Facility
OLOW orbiter lift-off weight
OLSA orbiter/LPS signal adapter
OLSP Orbiter Logistics Support Plan
OM office management
OM operational mid DSC or MDM
OM operations manager
OM optical master
OM outer marker (ILS)
OMA operations maintenance area
OMA operations management application
OMA orbiter maintenance area
OMAS operations management application software
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OMBUU orbiter midbody umbilical unit
OMCF Orbiter Maintenance and Checkout Facility
OMCF operations and maintenance control file
OMCS operations and maintenance communications system
OMD operations and maintenance documentation
OMDR operations and maintenance data record
OME orbital maneuvering engine
OME orbiter main engine
OMET orbiter mission elapsed time
OMEWG Orbiter Maintenance Engineering Working Group
OMGA operations management ground application
OMI operations and maintenance instruction
OMIJC operations and maintenance instruction job card
OMISS operation and maintenance instruction summary sheet
OMK orbiter mission kit
OML orbiter mold line
OML outer mold line
OMMH orbiter maintenance man-hour
OMP operating maintenance plan
OMP operations and maintenance plan
OMPR operational maintainability problem reporting
OMPT observed mass point trajectory
OMR operations and maintenance requirement
OMR operations management room
OMR orbiter management review
OMRB Operating Material Review Board
OMRC operational maintenance requirements catalog
OMRF Orbiter Maintenance and Refurbishment Facility
OMRF Orbiter Modification and Refurbishment Facility
OMRP operations and maintenance requirements plan
OMRS operations and maintenance requirements and
OMRS operations and maintenance requirements system
OMRSCB Operations and Maintenance Requirements and Control Board
OMRSD operations and maintenance requirements and specifications document
OMS operations management system
OMS orbital maneuvering system (subsystem)
OMSP operational maintenance support plan
OMU optical measuring unit
OMV orbital maneuvering vehicle
OMV oxygen manual valve
ONBT orbiter neutral buoyancy trainer
OND operator need date
ONR Office of Naval Research
ONSCOSTS operation and support costs model
OOD object-oriented data base
OOD object-oriented design
OOD orbiter on dock
OODP out-of-detent pitch
OODR out-of-detent roll
OOH Orbital Operations Handbook
OOMM Organizational Operations and Maintenance Manual
OOP out of position
OOR on-orbit review
OOS on-orbit station
OOS orbit-to-orbit Shuttle
OOS orbit-to-orbit stage
OOSD on-orbit support document
OOSD orbital operations support document
OOSDP on-orbit station distribution panel
OOSS on-orbit support system
OOT out of tolerance
OP operating procedure
OP oxygen purge
OP&R operations planning and requirements
OPA operations planning analysis
OPB oxidizer preburner
OPBOV oxidizer preburner oxidizer valve
OPBS orbiter payload bay simulator
OPD optical path difference
OPDAR optical detection and ranging
OPE operational processing equipment
OPE other project element
OPEIU Office and Professional Employees International Union
OPF Orbiter Processing Facility
OPGUID optimum guidance technique
OPI operations procedure instruction
OPI orbiter payload interrogator
OPIDF operational planning identification file
OPIS orbiter prime item specification
OPL open problem list
OPL orbiter project parts list
OPLF Orbiter Processing and Landing Facility
OPM Operations Procedure Manual
OPM outer planet mission
OPO Orbiter Project Office
OPOV oxidizer preburner oxidizer valve
OPP other physical principles
OPPAR orbiter project parts authorization request
OPPG operating program (DIU)
OPPS operations planning and project support
OPR office of primary responsibility
OPR operations planning review
OPR orbiter payload recorder
OPR oxygen pressure regulator
OPRV oxygen pressure relief valve
OPS operational sequence
OPS orbiter project schedule
OPS oxygen purge system
OPSDB operations data base
OPSDBA operations data base administrator
OPSS orbital propellant storage subsystem
OPT operational pressure transducer
OPTB operational program time base
OPWS orbital payload work station
OR operational right DSC or MDM
OR operations requirement
OR operations review
OR operations room
OR outer roll
OR oxygen relief
ORA operational requirements analysis
ORACLES optical regulator algorithms for the control
ORAM output random access memory
ORB Operations Review Board
ORC operations request card
ORCHIS Oak Ridge computerized hierarchical information system
ORCUS orbital recording capability and update system
ORD operational readiness data
ORD operational ready data
ORD operations requirements document
ORD orbital requirements document
ORE output request element
OREO OMS/RCS engineering officer
ORI operational readiness inspection
ORLA optimum repair level analysis
ORP OFS retransmission processor
ORR Orroval Valley, Australia (STDN)
ORR operational readiness review
ORR operations requirements review
ORS orbital refueling system
ORS orbital reservicing system
ORS orbital resupply system
ORSDI Oak Ridge selective dissemination of information
ORT operational readiness test
ORT orbit readiness test
ORU orbital replaceable unit
ORU orbital replacement unit
ORV orbital research vehicle
OS on-orbit station
OS operating software
OS operating system
OS orbiter CEI specification
OSA operational support area
OSC Operations Support Center
OSC Operations Support Contract
OSC optical signatures code
OSCF Operations Support Computing Facility
OSCN orbiter specification change notice
OSCR orbiter software change request
OSCRS orbital spacecraft consumables resupply system
OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense
OSDH Orbiter System Definition Handbook
OSE operating support equipment
OSE orbital support equipment
OSE orbiter support equipment
OSE other support equipment
OSEC operations security
OSES operation support equipment/software
OSF orbiter simulation facility
OSF ordnance storage facility
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSHA operating and support hazard analysis
OSI open system interconnect
OSI open systems interconnection
OSID operating system interface definition
OSLM operations shop or lab manager
OSM on-orbit spares model
OSM operational status monitoring
OSM orbiter service module
OSMP operational support maintenance plan
OSO ocean systems operation
OSO orbiting solar observatory
OSOP orbiter systems operating procedure
OSR operations support room
OSR optical surface reflector
OSRBD operational software reliability benchmark development
OSS Office of Space Sciences
OSS operational SDI system
OSS optics subsystem
OSS orbiting space station
OSSA Office of Space Sciences and Applications
OSSIU orbiter-Space Station interface unit
OSSRH Orbiter Subsystem Requirements Handbook
OST Operations Support Team (GSFC)
OST orbiter support trolley
OSTA Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications
OSTDS Office of Space Tracking and Data Systems
OSTF off-site test facility
OSTO Office of Space Transportation Operations
OSTP orbiting system test plan
OSTS Office of Space Transportation Systems
OT offensive threat
OT operating time
OT operational instrumentation MDM tank
OT operational test
OT operational trajectory
OT optical tracker
OT out temperature
OT overtime
OT&E operational test and evaluation
OT&E optical test and evaluation
OTA operational trajectory analysis
OTA optical telescope assembly
OTB orbiting tanker base
OTC optical test chamber
OTC orbiter test conductor
OTD operational technical documentation
OTD orbiter test director
OTDA Office of Tracking and Data Acquisition
OTE optical test and evaluation
OTE orbital transfer equipment
OTEC Operational Test and Evaluation Center
OTF operational time fraction
OTF optical transfer function
OTH over the horizon (radar)
OTH-B over-the-horizon backscatter
OTK oxidizer tank
OTL ordnance test laboratory
OTLC orbiter time line constraint
OTM output transformation matrix
OTO one time only
OTOS orbit-to-orbit stage
OTP operational test procedure
OTP operations turnaround plan
OTR operating time record
OTS off the shelf
OTS orbital test system
OTS orbital transfer system
OTS orbiter transfer system
OTT optional team targeting
OTV operational television
OTV orbit test vehicle
OTV orbital transfer vehicle
OUP OFS uplink processor
OUSDR&E Office of the Undersecretary of Defense, Engineering
OUT orbiter utility tray
OV orbiter vehicle
OV oxygen vent
OVCO Operational Voice Communication Office
OVDS oxidizer vent drain system
OVEI orbiter vehicle end item
OVI operational validation inspection
OW optical window
OW order wire
OWD one-way Doppler
OWDE one-way Doppler extraction
OWF optimum working frequency
Orion communications satellite for service over the Atlantic Ocean