NASA Acronyms -P-


P precision navigation signal
P protected signal
P roll rate (angular rate)
P&C Procurement and Contracts (MSFC)
P&D panels and displays
P&E pricing and estimating
P&E propellant and explosive
P&I performance and interface
P&LRP productivity and long-range planning
P&M production and maintenance
P&MD productivity and manufacturing development
P&P policies and procedures
P&PQ productivity and product quality
P&PQI productivity and product quality improvement
P&PQIC Productivity and Product Quality Improvement Council
P&Q productivity and quality
P&R performance and resources
P&SM procurement and subcontract management
P&TE packaging and transport engineering
P&VE propulsion and vehicle engineering
P(Ls) probability of launch success
P-P peak to peak
P/A pressure-actuated
P/A problem analysis
P/B piggyback
P/B playback electronics
P/C pay code
P/CI payload/cargo integration
P/L parts list
P/L payload
P/L postlanding
P/L purchased labor
P/N part number
P/O provisioning order
P/OF pinhole/occulter facility
P/P patch panel
P/P prelaunch and postlanding
P/P printer/plotter
P/PL primary payload
P/S parallel to serial
P/S power supply
P/T prototype
P/W password
P/Y pitch/yaw
P2I preplanned productivity increase
P3I preplanned product improvement
P3I preplanned production improvement
PA pad abort
PA paging and area warning
PA power amplifier
PA precision angle
PA primary amplifier
PA product assurance
PA public address
PA public affairs
PA pulse amplifier
PAA Pan American Airlines
PAA problem assessment area
PABF Precision Air Bearing Facility
PAC Problem Action Center
PAC postaward conference
PAC pressure alpha center
PAC probe aerodynamic center
PAC program analyzer console
PACA payload accommodation configuration assessment
PACAS personnel access control accountability system
PACC PERT-associated cost control
PACC Problem Action Control Center
PACCS postattack command control system
PACE power and control electronics
PACE prelaunch automatic checkout equipment
PACE producible alternative to cadmium-telluride epitaxy
PACE product acceptance configuration element
PACK payload active cooling kit
PACO parts control
PACO prelaunch automatic checkout
PACRUSS passive and active control of space structures
PACS pointing and attitude control system
PAD preliminary advisory data (crew data uplink)
PAD program approval document
PAD propellant acquisition device
PAD pulse amplitude detector
PADS problem action data system
PADSIM precision attitude determination simulation
PAE preventive action engineer
PAE problem assessment engineering
PAF payload attach fitting
PAF peak annual funding
PAFB Patrick Air Force Base
PAH Payload Accommodations Handbook
PAIS product assurance information system
PAL lower port pressure
PAL parts authorization list
PALAPA Indonesian communication satellite
PALS photo area and location system
PALS precision approach and landing system
PAM payload assist module
PAM propulsion avionics module
PAM pulse amplifier modulation
PAM pulse amplitude modulation
PAM-A payload assist module, Atlas-Centaur class
PAM-D payload assist module, Delta class
PAM500 payload assist module, test equipment
PAMB pressure ambient
PAN polyacrylonitrile
PAN probabilistic analysis network
PAO Public Affairs Office (NASA)
PAP payload accommodation plan
PAP payload adapter plate
PAP personnel assurance program
PAP product assurance plan
PAPI precision approach path indicator
PAPL project-approved parts list
PAR planning action request
PAR precision approach radar
PAR problem accountability record
PAR problem action report
PAR problem action request
PAR product acceptance review
PARB Problem Assessment Review Board
PARS property accountability record system
PARS property accounting and reporting system
PAS payload accommodation study
PAS primary alerting system
PAS problem assessment system
PAS productivity, affordability, and supportability
PASR problem analysis status report
PASS planning and scheduling system
PASS primary avionics and software subsystem
PASS primary avionics software system
PAT problem action team
PAT production acceptance test
PATE performance analysis, test, and evaluation
PATH performance analysis and test history
PATH postflight attitude and trajectory history
PATHS precursor above-the-horizon sensor
PATP preliminary authority to proceed
PATRAN trademark of Prototype Development Associates Engineering
PATS payload avionics test station
PATS program for analysis of time series
PAU probe aerodynamic upper
PAU upper port pressure
PAV pressure-actuated valve
PAW plasma arc welding
PAWS personal Atlas work station
PB phonetically balanced
PB playback
PB preburner
PB push button
PBAN polybutadiene arcylonitrile
PBD payload bay door
PBDF payload bay door forward
PBDM payload bay door mechanism
PBI polybenzimidezole
PBI push-button indicator
PBIC programmable buffer interface card
PBIM programmable buffer interface module
PBK payload bay kit
PBL payload bay liner
PBM program business management
PBP preburner pump
PBPS postboost propulsion system
PBS payload berthing system
PBS program breakdown structure
PBS protective breathing system
PBTS payload bay transfer system
PBV postboost vehicle
PBW particle-beam weapon
PBW proportional bandwidth
PBX private branch exchange (telephone)
PC personal computer
PC phase coherent
PC photoconductive
PC pitch circle
PC pitch control
PC plane change
PC printed circuit
PC program counter
PC project control
PC propulsive consumables
PC pulsating current
PC&PM program control and performance management
PCA performance coverage analyzer
PCA physical configuration audit
PCA pitch control assembly
PCA pneumatic control assembly
PCA point of closest approach
PCA polar cap absorption
PCA power conditioning assembly
PCA power controller assembly
PCA production configuration audit
PCAM punched-card accounting machine
PCASS program compliance assurance and status system
PCB Parts Control Board
PCB Program Change Board
PCB polyvinyl chloride-bromide (toxic transformer coolant)
PCB power circuit breaker
PCB power control box
PCB printed circuit board
PCB product configuration baseline
PCC pad control center
PCC payload control and checkout
PCC production control center
PCCB Program Change Control Board
PCCB Program Configuration Control Board
PCCE payload common communication equipment
PCCM program change control management
PCCN provisioning contract control number
PCCP preliminary contract change proposal
PCD procurement control document
PCDU payload command decoder unit
PCE power conditioning electronics
PCE power conditioning equipment
PCF payload control facility
PCG Parts Control Group
PCG phonocardiogram
PCG protein crystal growth
PCI peripheral controller interface
PCI procedure change instruction
PCI program-controlled input
PCIL pilot-controlled instrument landing
PCIN program change identification number
PCK payload command kit
PCL power control list
PCL primary coolant line
PCL primary coolant loop
PCL programming checklist
PCM parts control management
PCM photoelectric cell module
PCM pitch control motor
PCM plane change mechanism
PCM power control mission
PCM pulse code modulation
PCM pulse code modulator
PCM punch card machine
PCMD pulse code modulation, digital
PCME pulse code modulation event
PCMMU pulse code modulation master unit
PCMP Parts Control Management Program
PCMR probability of correct message receipt
PCMS pulse code modulation, shared
PCMU programmable control and monitor unit
PCN page change notice
PCN polyester-coated nylon
PCN program change notice
PCN program control number
PCO Procuring Contracting Office
PCO postcheckout
PCO postcheckout operations
PCO principal contracting officer
PCO procuring contracting officer
PCO program contracting officer
PCO program control officer
PCO program-controlled output
PCOT payload center operations team
PCP power control panel
PCP program change proposal
PCP project change proposal
PCP project cost plan
PCPAS Patriot command post automation system
PCPL proposed change-point line
PCR payload changeout room
PCR payload checkout room
PCR payload clean room
PCR power change request
PCR procedure change request
PCR program change request
PCR project control room
PCR publication change request
PCRB Program Change Review Board (Rockwell launch operations)
PCRB Project Change Review Board
PCRS payload cover removal system
PCRS performance and cost report system
PCS Pacific command ship
PCS payload checkout system
PCS payload control subsystem
PCS payload control supervisor
PCS performance control system
PCS planning and control system
PCS pointing control system
PCS power conversion system
PCS pressure control system
PCS primary control station
PCS primary coolant system
PCS probability of crew safety
PCS procedure completion sheet
PCS program control system
PCS project control system
PCT process control table
PCTC Payload Crew Training Complex
PCTE portable commercial test equipment
PCTO payload cost tradeoff optimization
PCTR pad connection terminal room
PCU payload checkout unit
PCU power condition unit
PCU power conditioning unit
PCU power control unit
PCU power conversion unit
PCU pressure control unit
PCU process control unit
PCV precheck verification
PCV purge control valve
PCVB pyro continuity verification box
PCVL pilot-controlled visual landing
PCZ physical control zone
PD dependency factor
PD pitch diameter
PD pitch down
PD policy directive
PD potential difference
PD preliminary design
PD probability of detection
PD procurement drawing
PD program development
PD program directive
PD project directive
PD project director
PD propellant dispersal
PD&RS payload deployment and retrieval subsystem
PD/ID probability of detection and identification
PDA parallel data adapter
PDA payload disconnect assembly
PDA percent defect allowed
PDA post-DDT&E assessment
PDA precision drive axis
PDA propellant drain area
PDA pump drive assembly
PDAR program description and requirements
PDB performance data book
PDB power distribution box
PDB project development brochure
PDC power distribution control
PDC predefined command
PDC procurement document change
PDCM product data control model
PDCS power distribution and control subsystem
PDCU power distribution and control unit
PDD payload description document
PDD program definition document
PDD program description document
PDE process directory entry
PDES product data exchange specification
PDES product data exchange standard
PDF pocket dosimeter FEMA
PDF probability density function
PDGF power data grapple fixture
PDH pocket dosimeter high
PDI payload data interleaver
PDL Product Development Laboratory
PDL pocket dosimeter low
PDL procedure distribution list
PDL program description language
PDL program design language
PDLAC preliminary dynamic loads analysis cycle
PDLC preliminary design load cycle
PDM payload deployment module
PDM probe data model
PDM processor data monitor
PDM pulse duration modulation
PDOP position dilution of precision
PDP payload data pack
PDP postinsertion deorbit preparation
PDP preliminary definition plan
PDP procurement data package
PDP program development plan
PDP project definition phase
PDR preliminary data requirements
PDR preliminary design review
PDR processed data recorder
PDR program design review
PDR program director's review
PDRD procurement data requirements description
PDRD procurement data requirements document
PDRD program data requirement document
PDRD program definition and requirements document
PDRL preliminary design requirements list
PDRL procurement data requirements list
PDRM payload deployment and retrieval mechanism
PDRR payload design requirements review
PDRS payload data and retrieval system
PDRS payload deployment and retrieval system
PDRSS payload deployment and retrieval system simulation
PDRSS payload deployment and retrieval system simulator
PDS package data system
PDS paradynamic sketch
PDS partitioned data set
PDS pathfinder demonstration satellite
PDS power distribution system
PDS problem data system
PDS product distribution subsystem
PDS production data sheet
PDS pyrotechnic device simulator
PDT payload data tape
PDT product development team
PDU pilot display unit
PDU power drive unit
PDU pressure distribution unit
PDU pulse detection unit
PDV premodulation processor, deep-space voice
PDV pressure disconnect valve
PE parity error
PE payload element
PE plasma effects
PE processing element
PE program element
PE program exception
PE project engineer
PE project engineering
PEA payload electronics assembly
PEA preliminary environmental analysis
PEAP personal egress air pack
PEAR program explanation analysis required
PEB Performance Evaluation Board
PEB program element breakdown
PEC proposal evaluation criteria
PECP preliminary engineering change proposal
PEDB payload engineering data base
PEFU payload effects follow-up study
PEG powered explicit guidance
PEGASUS preliminary expert ground analysis scheduler
PEIR project equipment inspection record
PEM plant engineering and maintenance
PEO Project Engineering Office
PEP Proposal Evaluation Panel
PEP peak envelope power
PEP plant engineering procedure
PEP power extension package
PER preliminary engineering report
PERP Parts and Equipment Reliability Program
PERT program evaluation and review technique
PERT-NAP PERT network automatic plotting
PES photoelectric scanner
PET performance enhancement team
PET performance/endurance tradeoff
PET phase elapsed time
PET production environmental test
PET program elapsed time
PETA performance evaluation and trend analysis
PETN petaerythrite tetranitrate
PETS Performance Endurance Tradeoff Study
PF parachute facility
PF payload forward
PF payload function
PF power factor
PF powered flight
PF prime function
PF probability of failure
PF pulse frequency
PFA Palmdale final assembly
PFA probability of false alarm
PFB payload feedback
PFB payload forward bus
PFB position feedback
PFB pressure-fed booster
PFC performance flight certification
PFC postflight checklist
PFC power factor corrector
PFC preliminary flight configuration
PFCF Payload Flight Control Facility
PFCS primary flight control system
PFF postfactory functional
PFK payload function key
PFL Propulsion Field Laboratory (Rocketdyne)
PFL primary Freon loop
PFM pulse frequency modulation
PFN pulse forming network
PFP powered flight program
PFP probability of performance failure
PFP program financial plan
PFP programmable function panel
PFR portable foot restraint
PFRT preliminary flight rating test
PFRX preflight relmat (X-l, 2, 3 . . . 9 or A, B, C . . . Z)
PFS percent full scale
PFS primary flight software
PFS primary flight system
PFT postflight testing
PFTA payload flight test article
PFV probability of failure of vehicle
PG power generation
PG pressure gauge
PGA power generating assembly
PGA pressure garment assembly
PGA programmable gain amplifier
PGC plant growth chamber
PGD&CS power generation, distribution, and control subsystem
PGHM payload ground handling mechanism
PGNCS primary guidance, navigation, and control system
PGOC Payload Ground Operations Contract (contractor)
PGOR payload ground operations requirement
PGORS Payload Ground Operations Requirements Study
PGR planning ground rule (Spacelab)
PGS power generation system (subsystem)
PGSC payload and general-support computer
PGSE payload ground support equipment
PGU plant growth unit
PGU power generating unit
PGWG Particles and Gases Working Group
PH personal hygiene
PHA preliminary hazard analysis
PHD payload handling device
PHF parts history file
PHF payload handling fixture
PHF personal hygiene facility
PHK personal hygiene kit
PHMC probe heater motor controller
PHP payload handling panel
PHP planetary horizontal platform
PHRR payload high-rate recorder
PHS payload handling station
PHS payload handling system
PHS&T packaging, handling, storage, and transportation
PHSF Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility
PHST packaging, handling, storage, and transportation
PHTR packaging, handling, and transportation record
PI payload interrogator
PI preliminary investigation
PI principal investigator
PI procurement item
PI program introduction
PI&A personnel identification and authentication
PIA payload interface adapter
PIA preinspection acceptance
PIA preinstallation acceptance
PIA project impact analysis
PIAPACS psychophysical information acquisition, pontrol system
PIAR project impact analysis report
PIB Pyrotechnic Installation Building
PIC Payload Integration Center
PIC Payload Integration Committee
PIC performance indicator chart
PIC preinstallation checkout
PIC programmable interval clock
PIC pyrotechnic initiator circuit
PIC pyrotechnic initiator controller
PICC payload interface control computer
PICP program interface control plan
PICRS program information control and retrieval system
PICRS program information coordination and review service
PICS photo index and cataloging system
PICS predefined input control sequence
PID prime item development
PID program information document
PID program introduction document
PID proportional-integral-derivative
PIDA payload installation and deployment aid
PIDP product initialization data pack
PIDS portable image display system
PIE payload integration equipment
PIE payload interface engineer
PIECP preliminary impact engineering change proposal
PIF payload integration facility
PIGA pendulous integrating gyroscopic accelerometer
PII procurement instrument identification
PIIN procurement instrument identification number
PILOT program integration and loading tool
PILS payload integration library system
PILS payload interactive library system
PIM payload integration manager
PIM planning interchange meeting
PIM pulse interval modulation
PIMR program integration management review
PIN personal identification number
PINCH payload integration nominal cost hardware
PIND particle impact and noise detection
PIND particle impact noise detection
PIO Program Integration Office
PIO Public Information Office (MSFC)
PIO pilot-induced oscillation
PIO provisioned item order
PIOL periodic input/output link
PIOP payload integration operations plan
PIP payload integration plan
PIP payload interface plan
PIP personnel incentive program
PIP plant instrumentation program
PIP production instrumentation package
PIP project implementation plan
PIP pyro interception plug
PIPA pulse-integrating pendulum accelerometer
PIPA pulse-integrating pendulum assembly
PIPA pulsed integrating pendulous accelerometer
PIR programming information requirement
PIRCS payload interactive requirements collection system
PIRD project instrumentation requirement document
PIRN preliminary interface revision notice
PIRN proposed interface revision notice
PIT passive intermediate tracker
PIT payload integration thermal
PIT preinstallation test
PITG Payload Integration Task Group
PITS payload integration test set
PITS payload interface test system
PIU power interface unit
PIU pyrotechnic initiator unit
PIV peak inverse voltage
PIVR payload interface verification requirement
PIVS payload integration and verification simulator
PIVS payload interface verification summary
PK probability of kill
PKD programmable keyboard and display
PKM perigee kick motor
PL parting line
PL payload
PL postlanding
PL power level
PL prelaunch
PL private line
PL propellant loading
PLA parachute location aid
PLACE position location aircraft communications equipment
PLAN payload activity network
PLB payload bay
PLBD payload bay door
PLC power line carrier
PLC pressurized logistics carrier
PLC programmable logic controller
PLC propellant loading console
PLCC Payload Launch Control Center
PLCI pressurized logistics carrier interface
PLD program listing document
PLDF payload data file
PLH payload handling
PLHX payload heat exchanger
PLI propellant-level indicator
PLIC payload intelligent controller
PLIM payload installation mechanism
PLIM propellant linear insulation matrix
PLIMHR payload integration management hardware review
PLIMR payload integration management review
PLINS payload integration schedule
PLISN provisioning list item sequence number
PLL phase lock loop
PLM payload management
PLM payload monitoring
PLMS program logistics master schedule
PLN program logic network
PLOS probe line of sight
PLPS propellant loading and pressurization system
PLRV payload launch readiness verification
PLS payload simulator
PLS payload system
PLS personnel launch system
PLS postlanding and safing
PLS primary landing site
PLS propellant loading system
PLSL propellants and life support laboratory
PLSP payload signal processor
PLSR postlaunch service review
PLSS portable life support system
PLT production lead time
PLTS precision laser tracking system
PLU position location uncertainty
PLV payload vehicle
PLV postlanding valve
PLV postlanding ventilation
PLVC postlanding vent control
PM Policy Manual
PM Procurement Management
PM payload management
PM payload midbody
PM payload module
PM performance management
PM performance monitor
PM permanent magnet
PM phase modulation
PM phase monitor
PM preventive maintenance
PM program management
PM program manager
PM project manager
PM propulsion module
PM pulse modulation
PM&P parts, materials, and processes
PMA performance monitor annunciator
PMA preliminary mission analysis
PMAC portable multipurpose applications console
PMAD performance monitor annunciation driver
PMAD power management and distribution
PMALS preliminary miniature air-launched system
PMAP performance monitor annunciation panel
PMAT page map address table
PMATS performance managing and tracking system
PMB performance management baseline
PMB performance measurement baseline
PMC payload monitoring control
PMC permanently manned capability
PMC plutonia-molybdenum cermet
PMC procurement method code
PMD Palmdale (TACAN station)
PMD power management and distribution
PMD propellant management device
PMDM payload multiplexer/demultiplexer
PMEL Precision Measurements Equipment Laboratory
PMF performance monitor function
PMF perigee motor firing
PMF program management facility
PMG Parts Management Group
PMHL preferred measurement hardware list
PMI preventive maintenance instruction
PMI principal maintenance inspector
PMIA parallel multiplexer interface adapter
PMIR program manager's integration review
PMIS personal management information system
PML preliminary materials list
PMM Property Management Manual
PMM planetary mission module
PMMD programmable magnetic momentum dump
PMN program management network
PMO Program Management Office
PMO program management organization
PMOM Performance Management Operating Manual
PMOMI preventive maintenance OMI
PMON performance management operations network
PMP parts, materials, and processes
PMP performance management package
PMP prelaunch monitor program
PMP preliminary mission plan
PMP premodulation processor
PMP program management plan
PMPAG PMP Advisory Group
PMPCB PMP Change Board
PMPCB Parts, Materials, and Processes Control Board
PMPL preferred mechanical parts list
PMPS program management performance system
PMR Pacific Missile Range
PMR parts material request
PMR payload manifest review
PMR payload manifesting review
PMR payload mixing review
PMR performance measurement report
PMR program management review
PMR program manager's review
PMRB Primary Material Review Board
PMRR premanufacturing readiness review
PMS payload mounting structure
PMS performance management system
PMS performance measurement system
PMS performance monitoring system
PMS power management system
PMS program management system
PMS program master schedule
PMT planning and management team
PMT production monitoring test
PMU plaster mockup
PMU pressure measuring unit
PMV permanent manned vehicle
PMWO preventive maintenance work order
PMYK program manager YK (AF)
PN part number
PN pseudonoise
PNA plan of action
PND passive nutation damper
PND premodulation processor, near-Earth data
PNP prenegotiation position
PNS parabolized Navier-Stokes
PNW program notes and waivers
PO postorbit
PO power on
PO power oscillator
PO project office
PO purchase order
POA plan of action
POC Payload Operations Center
POC point of contact
POC proof of concept
POC purchase order closeout
POCC Payload Operations Control Center
POCN purchase order change notice
POD Payload Operations Division (JSC)
POD parameter override display
POD precision orbit determination
POD production operations directive
PODTG Precision Orbit Determination Task Group
POE pilot operational equipment
POE port of embarkation
POGO Polar Orbiting Geophysical Observatory
POGS polar-orbiting geomagnetic survey
POI power-on/off interrupt
POI product of inertia
POI program of instruction
POIC Payload Operations Integration Center
POID power-on/off interrupt delay
POL petroleum, oil, and lubricants
POLAR production order location and record
POLAR production order location and reporting
POM pallet-only mode
POM printer output microfilm
POMS probability of mission success
POMT planning operations management team
POP perpendicular to orbit plane
POP polar-orbiting platform
POP preburner oxidizer pump
POP preflight operations procedure
POP prelaunch operations plan
POP program operating plan
POPU push-over/pull-up
POR point of resolution
POR power-on reset
POR purchase order request
PORB Production Operations Review Board
PORCN production order records change notice
PORD performance and operations requirements document
PORR preliminary operations requirements review
POS portable oxygen system
POS probability of sufficiency
POST Program To Optimize Simulated Trajectories
POST payload operations support team
POT proof of technology
POT proximity operations trainer
POV peak operating voltage
POV pneumatically operated valve
POV proximity operations vehicle
POWG Payload Operations Working Group
POWG Payload Orbital Working Group
POWS project operating work statement
PP partial pressure
PP peak to peak
PP planning package
PP power plant
PP premodulation processor
PP push-pull
PP&C program planning and control
PP&C project planning and control
PP&LS production planning and logistics support
PP&WC process planning and work control
PPA power pitch-around
PPB program performance baseline
PPB provisioning parts breakdown
PPC Payload Preparation Complex
PPC phased provisioning code
PPC preprocessing center
PPCO2 CO2 partial pressure
PPCP postprocessing computer program
PPCU partial payload checkout unit
PPD power pitch-down
PPD predefined process diagram
PPE phase partitioning experiment
PPE premodulation processor equipment
PPEP plasma physics and environmental perturbation
PPF payload processing facility (USAF)
PPF primary processing facility
PPI plan position indicator
PPI proposal preparation instruction
PPI pulse position indicator
PPIL priced provisioned item list
PPL planning parts list
PPL preferred parts list
PPL priced parts list
PPL production payload
PPL program parts list
PPL provisioning parts list
PPM payload project manager
PPM pulse position modulation
PPME Pacific plate motion experiment
PPMS project performance measurement system
PPO preferred provider organization
PPO2 oxygen partial pressure
PPP payload patch panel
PPP peak pulse power
PPQIC Productivity and Product Quality Improvement Council
PPR payload preparation room
PPR program planning review
PPRB Preliminary Proposal Review Board
PPS partial-pressure suit
PPS payload pointing system
PPS pneumatic power subsystem
PPS primary propulsion system
PPS printer/plotter system
PPS product performance system
PPS provisioning performance schedule
PPS pulses per second
PPSL program parts selection list
PPT prelaunch package test
PQA procurement quality assurance
PQC Product Quality Council
PQC procurement quality control
PQE procurement quality engineering
PQGS propellant quantity gauging system
PQIC Product Quality Improvement Council
PQIC Productivity and Quality Improvement Council
PQT preliminary qualification test
PR partially reusable
PR performance report
PR position record
PR pressure ratio
PR pressure regulator
PR problem report
PR procurement regulation
PR program requirement
PR pulse rate
PR purchase request
PRA precession axis
PRACA problem reporting and corrective action
PRACA problem reporting, analysis, and corrective action
PRB Panel Review Board
PRB Parachute Refurbishment Building
PRB Paso Robles (TACAN station)
PRB Program Review Board
PRB program requirements baseline
PRCB Program Requirements Change Board
PRCB Program Requirements Control Board
PRCB Program Review Control Board
PRCBD Program Requirements Control Board directive
PRCS primary reaction control system
PRD payload requirements document
PRD personal radiation dosimeter
PRD preliminary requirements document
PRD procurement regulation directive
PRD procurement requirements document
PRD program requirements document
PRD project requirements document
PRDA program research and development announcement
PRE personal rescue enclosure
PRE power regulation equipment
PRF pulse repetition frequency
PRIS payload remote integration system
PRL page revision log
PRL payload retention latch
PRL priority rate limiting
PRLA payload retention latch actuator
PRLA payload retention latch assembly
PRM payload retention mechanism
PRM performance and reliability module
PRM pocket radiation meter
PRM posigrade rocket motor
PRM pulse rate modulation
PRMO producibility, reliability, maintainability, and
PRN program release notice
PRN pseudorandom noise
PRN pulse ranging navigation
PRO planning resident order
PROFS professional office systems
PROM programmable read-only memory
PROMIS project-oriented management information system
PRP personnel reliability program
PRP program redefinition proposal
PRPS programming requirements process specification
PRR parts replacement request
PRR parts rework or replacement
PRR preflight readiness review
PRR preliminary requirements review
PRR production readiness review
PRR program requirements review
PRR project requirements review
PRR pulse repetition rate
PRRB Payload Requirements Review Board
PRS payload retention system (subsystem)
PRS personal rescue system
PRS personnel rescue service
PRS power reactant subsystem
PRS precision ranging system
PRS preliminary requirements specification
PRS primary recovery site
PRS primary rescue site
PRS provisioning requirements statement
PRSA power reactant storage assembly
PRSD power reactant storage and distribution
PRSDS power reactant storage and distribution system
PRSS problem report squawk sheet
PRT pulse repetition time
PRTLS powered return to launch site
PRV pressure-reducing valve
PS parachute system (subsystem)
PS payload specialist
PS payload station
PS payload support
PS pointing subsystem
PS power supply
PS pressure switch
PS primary structure
PS prime select
PS probability of success
PS production sheet
PSA payload service area
PSA payload support avionics
PSA postsleep activity
PSA power and servoassembly
PSA power servoamplifier
PSA power switching assembly
PSA preferred storage area
PSA presleep activity
PSA pressure switch assembly
PSA producibility, supportability, and affordability
PSAC Presidential Scientific Advisory Committee
PSBLS permanent space-based logistics system
PSC Program Support Center
PSC parallel switch control
PSC payload support contractor
PSC planetary spacecraft
PSC program schedule chart
PSC program support contractor
PSC provide station control
PSCL Propellant Systems Cleaning Laboratory
PSCN preliminary specification change notice
PSCN program support communications network
PSCU power supply control unit
PSD Power Systems Division (division of LTV)
PSD phase-sensitive demodulator
PSD power spectral density
PSD program support document
PSDF Propulsion System Development Facility
PSDP payload station distribution panel
PSDP payload system distribution panel
PSDR planning and scheduling document record
PSDU power and signal distribution unit
PSE payload service equipment
PSE payload support engineer
PSE payload support equipment
PSE peculiar support equipment
PSF point spread function
PSF probability of stress failure
PSF processing and staging facility (SRB)
PSF processing and storage facility (ET)
PSF propellant servicing facility
PSG Power Subsystem Group
PSI power static inverter
PSI/SCI preshipment inspection and seller configuration
PSIG Propulsion Systems Integration Group
PSIU power and signal interface unit
PSK phase shift key
PSL Program Support Library
PSL pressure seal
PSL program statement language
PSM phase-sensitive modulation
PSM power storage module
PSM product support manager
PSM propellant storage module
PSM pyro substitute monitor
PSN program schedule network
PSO pad safety officer
PSOC preliminary SAC operational concept
PSOC preliminary system operational concept
PSOP peak side on pressure
PSP payload signal processor
PSP payload specialist panel
PSP payload support plan
PSP planetary scan platform
PSP planetary scan probe
PSP positive static pressure
PSP program support plan
PSP programmable signal processor
PSP project schedule plan
PSPA pressure static probe assembly
PSPL priced spare parts list
PSQ personnel security questionnaire
PSR payload safety review
PSR performance status report
PSR problem status report
PSR production safety review
PSR program status review
PSR project safety review
PSRD program support requirements document
PSRR preliminary systems requirements review
PSRS plant service recall system
PSS pad safety supervisor
PSS payload specialist station
PSS payload status system
PSS payload support system
PSS performance summary system
PSS planning and scheduling system
PSS portable survival shelter
PSS propellant supply subsystem
PSS propulsion subsystem
PSS propulsion support system
PSSP payload specialist station panel
PSSR performance status summary report
PSSR performance status summary review
PSSS packet scan status stack
PSST periodic significant scheduled task
PSSU patch survey and switching unit
PST point source transmission
PST point source transmittance
PST preliminary systems test
PSTL pressure model static and transient launch configuration
PSU power switching unit
PSV photographic spatial volume
PSV planetary space vehicle
PSV probability of vehicle success
PSW program status word
PT Advanced Planning and Technology Office (KSC)
PT paper tape
PT part task
PT pitch trim
PT pneumatic tube
PT point of tangency
PT power transfer
PT pressure transducer
PT primary target
PT product team
PT productivity team
PT propulsion test
PTA pointing and tracking assembly
PTA posttest analysis
PTA property transfer authorization
PTA propulsion test article
PTAS performance trend analysis system
PTB payload timing buffer
PTC passive thermal conditioning
PTC passive thermal control
PTC portable temperature controller
PTCC Propulsion Test Control Center
PTCR pad terminal connection room
PTCS passive thermal control system
PTCS planning, training, and checkout system
PTCS pointing, tracking, and control system
PTCS propellant tanking computer system
PTD preliminary technical directive
PTD provisioning technical documentation
PTDDSS PTD data selection sheet
PTI preliminary test information
PTI programmed test input
PTIS programmed test input system
PTL potential termination liability
PTM pulse time modulation
PTO power test operation
PTR preliminary test report
PTR program technical review
PTR program trouble report
PTS payload test set
PTS payload transportation system
PTSF payload trunnion support fixture
PTT push to talk
PTU pan and tilt unit
PTV pathfinder test vehicle
PU pickup
PU power unit
PU production unit
PU propellant unit
PU propellant utilization
PUCS propellant utilization control system
PUGS propellant utilization and gauging system
PUV propellant utilization valve
PV photovoltaic
PV&D purge, vent, and drain
PV/PS pressure vessel and pressure system
PVA preburner valve actuator
PVA propellant valve actuator
PVC polyvinyl chloride
PVC pressure-volume compensated
PVD passive vibration damping
PVD purge, vent, and drain
PVDS propellant vent and drain system
PVED Propulsion and Vehicle Engineering Division
PVLA purchase versus lease analysis
PVR precision voltage reference
PVRD purge, vent, repressurize, and drain
PVT passive visible tracker
PVT preflight verification test
PVT pressure, volume, and temperature
PVT pyrotechnic verification test
PVTCS photovoltaic thermal control system
PVTOS physical vapor transport organic solids
PVWA planned value of work accomplished
PVWS planned value of work scheduled
PW plan washer
PW printed wiring
PW pulse width
PWA Pratt and Whitney Aircraft
PWA printed wiring assembly
PWA private write area
PWA product work authorization
PWB printed wire board
PWB printed wiring board
PWBS program work breakdown structure
PWD proceed with design
PWDS protected wire distribution system
PWM pulse width modulation
PWMD printed wiring master drawing
PWS pricing work statement
PWT propulsion wind tunnel
PWW Project West Wing
PY program year
PYR pyro release
PZT lead, zirconate, titanate
Pave Paws ground radar for SLBM detection
PbS lead sulfide
Pc chamber pressure
Pc complexity factor
Pd dependency factor
PdSi palladium silicide
Pm maturity factor
Pms probability of mission success
PreSOP Preliminary Sizing Optimization Program
Ps probability of survival
PtSi platinum silicide
pH hydrogen-ion concentration (alkalinity)
pixel picture element
ppb parts per billion
pph pounds per hour
ppm parts per million
ppm parts per minute
ppm pulses per minute
pps pulses per second
psf pounds per square foot
psi pounds per square inch
psia pounds per square inch absolute
psid pounds per square inch differential
psig pounds per square inch gauge
psis pounds per square inch scaled