NASA Acronyms -B-


B&P budgetary and planning
B-L bill of lading
B/A barometric
B/A boost/abort
B/A buffer amplifier
B/C bench check
B/L baseline
B/M bench maintenance
B/O booster/orbiter
B/O breakout
B/O burnout
B/P blood pressure
B/SC brake/skid control
B/V bleed valve
BA bank angle
BA breathing air
BAC Boeing Aerospace Company
BAC Boeing Aircraft Company
BAC booster assembly contractor
BAC budget at completion
BAC buffer access card
BACS body axis coordinate system
BAF Barnes absorption filter
BAFO best and final offer
BAI barometric altitude indicator
BAIR breathing air
BAN budget allocation notice
BAROC baroset correction
BARS baseline accounting and reporting system
BAS breathing air system
BASD Ball Aerospace Systems Division
BASS backup avionics system software
BATE base activation test equipment
BATES battlefield artillery tactical engagement system
BATSE Burst and Transient Source Experiment
BAU business as usual
BB baseband
BB brassboard
BB breadboard
BBC before-business clearance
BBN Bolt, Beranek, and Newman
BBS DEC all-in-one bulletin board system
BBXRT broadband X-ray telescope
BC base construction
BC baseline configuration
BC battery charge
BC battery conditioner
BC bell cord
BC beta cloth
BC between centers
BC binary counter
BC bolt center
BC broadcast
BC bus coupler
BCC beacon control console
BCCT break control command transducer
BCD baseline concept definition
BCD baseline configuration document
BCD binary-coded data
BCD budget change document
BCE backup control electronics
BCE burn control element
BCE bus control element
BCH base Chaudhuri-Hocquenghen
BCH binary-coded hexadecimal
BCI baseline configuration identification
BCID baseline candidate item data base
BCLS base cardiac life support
BCO booster cutoff
BCP base condemnation percent
BCP benchmark control point
BCR bar chart report
BCR budget change request
BCRD basic consolidated requirements document
BCRT binary code range time
BCS beam control system
BCT bus configuration table
BCU battery control unit
BCU bus control unit
BCWP budget costs for work performed
BCWS budgeted cost for work scheduled
BD binary decoder
BD binary digit
BD binary discrete
BDA Bermuda Island (STDN)
BDA backup drive amplifier
BDCR baseline document change request
BDD baseline definition document
BDD burst detection dosimeter (IGS)
BDD burst detector dosimeter
BDI budget data and integration
BDP burst detection processor (IGS)
BDP burst detector processor
BDS-2 booster phase detection system
BDT block data transfer
BDW EMP sensor
BDW burst detector EMP sensor
BDX burst detection X-ray sensor
BDX burst detector X-ray sensor
BDY burst detector optical sensor
BE beam expander
BE bell end
BEAF beam expander alignment function
BEC backup event controller
BECO booster engine cutoff
BER bit error rate
BESS biomedical experiment scientific satellite
BESS biomedical experiment support satellite
BEST booster exhaust study test
BET best estimate of trajectory
BET best-estimate trajectory
BETA ballistic exploitation and target acquisition
BF back feed
BF beat frequency
BF body flap
BFC backup flight control (controller)
BFC body flap control
BFCS backup flight control system
BFEC Bendix Field Engineering Corporation
BFL Bakersfield (TACAN station)
BFL back focal length
BFN beam-forming feed network
BFO beat frequency oscillator
BFP buyer-furnished part
BFRP boron fiber-reinforced plastic
BFS backup flight software
BFS backup flight system
BFSPLP BFS payload preprocessor
BFSS backup flight software system
BG back gear
BH/MP breather hose/mouthpiece
BHN Brinell hardness number
BHP brake horsepower
BHS base heat shield
BI background information
BIA booster insertion and abort
BIA bus interface adapter
BIB blocked impurity band
BIBIB back-illuminated blocked impurity band
BIC bus interface controller
BILBO built-in logic block observer
BIS biocide injection system
BISC biomedical instrumentation, scientific and crew
BIT built-in test
BITE built-in test equipment
BITS budget impact tracking system
BIU buffer interface unit
BIU bus interface unit
BJR blockhouse junction rack
BKNO3 boron-potassium nitrate
BLOW booster lift-off weight
BLPG buried long-period grating
BLS bottom left side
BLV bleed valve
BM ballistic missile
BM battle management
BM bench maintenance
BM body-mounted
BM branch manager
BM business manager
BM-TW/AA ballistic missile tactical warning/attack
BM/C3 battle management and command, control, and
BMA body-mounted accelerometer
BMAG body-mounted attitude gyro
BMAP buffer map
BMAS body-mounted accelerometer system
BMB base maintenance building
BMB bench maintenance building
BMC3 battle management communications (three types)
BMD ballistic missile defense
BMDATC Ballistic Missile Defense Advanced Technology Center
BMDSCOM Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Command
BME bench maintenance equipment
BMEWS ballistic missile early warning system
BMFT German D-1 Spacelab payload
BMI Battelle Memorial Institute
BMMD body-mass measuring device
BMO Ballistic Missile Office
BMO ballistic missile organization
BMS background measurement satellite
BMS battle management simulation
BMTS bench maintenance test set
BMU bus monitor unit
BMVU ballistic missile view
BN ballistic number
BN bullnose
BNS bomb navigation system
BO beating oscillator
BOA broad ocean area
BOC Base Operations Contract (contractor)
BOC blowout coil
BOD beneficial occupancy date
BOD bright-object detector
BOE break of entry
BOF beginning of file
BOI break of integrity
BOL beginning of life
BOM beginning of month
BOM bill of material
BOP baseline operations plan
BOP basic overall polarity
BOPACE Boeing plastic analysis capability for engines
BOS backup operating system
BOS bright-object sensor
BOSO ballistic orbital support operations
BOT beginning of tape
BOW bill of work
BP back pressure
BP bandpass
BP barber pole
BP base plate
BP bid and proposal
BP blood pressure
BP blueprint
BP boilerplate
BP boiling point
BP budgetary and planning
BP buttock plane
BPC backpressure control
BPC boost protective cover
BPD baseline program document
BPD baseline program documentation
BPI boost phase intercept
BPMS blood pressure measuring system
BPO blanket purchase order
BPR bimonthly progress report
BPR bypass ratio
BPS boost propulsion system
BPSK biphase shift key
BPSK biphase shift keying
BPT body point
BPV bipropellant valve
BR bit rate
BRAVO business risk and value of operation in space
BRCS basic reference coordinate system
BRDF bidirectional reflectance distribution function
BRF band rejection filter
BRIL budget receipt/issuance log
BRL Ballistic Research Laboratory
BRM baseline reference mission
BRM biological research module
BRRS Banana River Repeater Station
BRS bottom right side
BS backup subsystem
BS beam splitter
BS block specification
BSA battery bus solar array
BSA bus status/alternate bus table
BSC brake skid controller
BSD Ballistic Systems Division
BSDP booster-stage discharge pressure
BSE booster systems engineer
BSEE Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering
BSGE Bachelor of Science degree in general engineering
BSI Boeing Services International
BSI basic shipping instruction
BSI booster situation indicator
BSM beam-steering mechanism
BSM booster separation motor
BSME Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering
BSP business system planning
BSR BITE status register
BSR basic system release
BSRM booster solid rocket motor
BSS backup system services
BSTS boost surveillance and tracking system
BSTS boost surveillance tracking system
BSW BFS software
BT burn time (engine)
BTC binary time code
BTC bus tie contractor
BTE bench test equipment
BTH below the horizon
BTMS body temperature measuring system
BTR burn time remaining
BTR bus transfer
BTU bus terminal unit
BU&C/O buildup and checkout
BUAER Bureau of Aeronautics (Navy)
BUC Buckhorn (GSTDN)
BUC backup computer
BUFC backup flight controller
BUIC backup interceptor control
BUN BITE update notice
BUORD Bureau of Ordnance (Navy)
BUOU backup optical unit
BUR backup rate
BUSGEN Bussin generator
BUSHIPS Bureau of Ships
BV balanced voltage
BV boost vehicle
BV booster vehicle
BVC boost voltage converter
BW bandwidth
BW beam width
BW bridge wire
BWG Birmingham wire gauge
BWO backward wave oscillator
Btu British thermal unit
bpi bits per inch
bpm beats per minute
bps bits per second
brpm breath rate per minute