NASA Acronyms -G-


G&A general and administrative
G&C ground rules and constraints
G&C guidance and control
G&CEP guidance and control equipment performance
G&CI guidance and control integration
G&N guidance and navigation
G&NS guidance and navigation system
G-A ground to air
G-G ground to ground
G-II Gulfstream II (Shuttle training aircraft)
G-MEM GPC memory
G-V gravity-velocity
G/A ground to air
G/A/G ground to air to ground
G/AIT ground/airborne IGS terminal
G/C guidance and control
G/E graphite-epoxy
G/G ground to ground
G/N general notes
G/S glide slope
G/T gain versus temperature
G/T ratio of antenna gain to receiver noise temperature
G/W gateway
GA glide angle
GA ground antenna
GA gyro assembly
GA&CS ground acquisition and command station
GAC Grumman Aerospace Corporation
GAC ground attitude control
GACU ground air conditioning unit
GACU ground avionics cooling unit
GADG gravity or acceleration due to gravity
GAEC Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation
GAIN graphic aids for investigating networks
GAO General Accounting Office
GAP GOAL automatic procedure
GAPL group assembly parts list
GAS getaway special
GASD Government Aerospace Systems Division (Harris Corporation)
GASP General Ascent Trajectory and Sizing Program
GASPI gimbal angle, surface position indicator
GATE generic automatic test equipment
GATP ground acceptance test procedure
GATP ground article test procedure
GATT gate-assisted turnoff thyristor
GAX GN&C annunciation interface
GBD Government Business Division
GBD global burst detector
GBI Grand Bahama Island
GBL government bill of lading
GBL ground-based laser
GBOTV ground-based OTV
GBR glass bead rating
GBR ground-based radar
GBS ground-based software
GBSS ground-based surveillance system
GBT gyro bias calibration value
GC gas chromatography
GC gigacycle (1,000 megacycles)
GC gimbal case
GC ground computer
GC ground contact
GC ground control
GC ground controller
GC guidance computer
GC guidance control
GC gyrocompass
GCA ground-controlled approach
GCA guidance coupler assembly
GCC Ground Control Center
GCC ground communications coordinator
GCCC Ground Control Computer Center
GCCO ground control checkout
GCD greatest common divisor
GCD gyrocompass, desired cluster orientation
GCDC ground checkout display and control
GCDS ground checkout display and control system
GCE GPS cargo element
GCF greatest common factor
GCF ground communications facility
GCHX ground cooling heat exchanger
GCI ground-controlled interception
GCID ground computer interface device
GCIL ground command interface logic
GCIL ground control interface logic
GCILC ground command interface logic controller
GCILU ground control interface logic unit
GCL ground control landing
GCL ground coolant loop
GCN GIRD change notice
GCN ground communications network (A/G worldwide net)
GCN ground control network
GCO ground checkout
GCOS general computer operational system
GCOS ground computer operating system
GCP ground command post
GCP group command post
GCR ground-controlled radar
GCR group-coded recording
GCS ground communications system
GCS ground control station
GCS guidance cutoff signal
GCTS gas component test stand
GCTS ground communication tracking system
GCU general control unit
GCU generator control (regulator) unit
GCU ground cooling unit
GCU gyro coupling unit
GDA General Dynamics Astronautics
GDA gimbal drive actuator
GDA gimbal drive assembly
GDBS generalized data base system
GDC General Dynamics Corporation
GDC gyro display coupler
GDCA General Dynamics Convair Aircraft
GDDM graphical data display manager
GDMS generic data management system
GDMS ground data management system
GDOP geometric dilution of precision
GDP generalized documentation processor
GDR geophysical data record
GDS Goldstone, California (STDN)
GDSD Ground Data Systems Division
GDSM ground data systems manager
GDSO ground data systems officer
GDSSR GDSD staff support room
GE General Electric
GE-AESD General Electric Aerospace Electronics Systems
GE/B General Electric Burroughs
GEA gimbal electronics assembly
GEC General Electrodynamics Corporation
GEDAC General Electric detection and automatic correction
GEM generic electronics module
GEMS general energy management system
GEMS global emergency missile surveillance
GEO geosynchronous Earth orbit
GEODSS ground-based electro-optical deep-space surveillance
GEOMOD geometric modeler
GEOPAUSE geodetic satellite in polar geosynchronous orbit
GEOSEPS geosynchronous solar electric propulsion stage
GERT graphical evaluation and review technique
GESS Goddard experiment support system
GET ground elapsed time
GETI ground elapsed time of ignition
GETL ground elapsed time of landing (for TIG of abort burn)
GETS ground equipment test set
GF gauge factor
GF government-furnished
GF&P gases, fluids, and propellants
GFAE government-furnished aeronautical equipment
GFAE government-furnished aircraft equipment
GFD government-furnished data
GFE government-furnished equipment
GFERD government-furnished equipment requirement description
GFI government-furnished information
GFI ground fault interrupter
GFM government-furnished material
GFP generalized filter program
GFP government-furnished property
GFRP glass-fiber-reinforced plastic
GFRP graphite-fiber-reinforced plastic
GFS government-furnished software
GFTM generic fluids transfer model
GFY government fiscal year
GG gas generator
GG gravity gradient
GGVM gas generator valve module
GHA Greenwich hour angle
GHA general housekeeping area
GHC ground half-coupling
GHE ground handling equipment
GHX ground heat exchanger
GHe gaseous helium
GHz gigahertz
GIA general-purpose computer interface adapter
GIAG Government-Industry Advisory Group
GIBIS graphical issue-based information system
GIC GPC interface console
GIDD GSE interface definition document
GIDEP government interagency data exchange program
GIDEP government-industry data exchange program
GIDS general-purpose interactive display system
GIE ground instrumentation equipment
GIF graphics interchange format
GIM generalized information management
GIMADS generic integrated maintenance and diagnostic system
GIMADS generic integrated maintenance diagnostics
GIRD ground integration requirements document
GISO general industry safety order
GITG Ground Interface Technical Group
GIWG Ground Interface Working Group
GKS graphics kernel system
GLAADS gun low-altitude air defense system
GLC generator line contractor
GLCM ground-launched cruise missile
GLLD ground locator laser designator
GLOW gross lift-off weight
GLOW ground lift-off weight
GLP GOAL language processor
GLS ground launch sequencer
GM gaseous mixture
GM geometric mean
GM ground mobile
GMAL General Electric Macro Assembly Language
GMAW gas metal arc welding
GMCC Ground Mobile Control Center
GMCL ground measurements command list
GME gimbal module electronics
GMEM GPC memory
GMF ground module force
GMIP government mandatory inspection point
GMIS GSSC management information system
GMIS ground STDN management information system
GML general measurement loop
GMLCC Ground Mobile Launch Control Center
GMM geometrical math model
GMN Gorman (TACAN station)
GMT Greenwich mean time
GN ground network
GN&C guidance, navigation, and control
GN&CS guidance, navigation, and control subsystem
GNC guidance and navigation computer
GNC guidance, navigation, and control
GNCFTS GN&C flight test station
GNCIS GN&C integration simulator
GNCS guidance and navigation control system
GNCSIM GN&C simulation
GNCTS GN&C test station
GNE guidance and navigational electronics
GNIC G&N indicator control
GNP gross national product
GNS guidance and navigation simulator
GNS guidance navigation system
GO general order
GOAL ground operations aerospace language
GOASEX Gulf of Alaska Seasat Experiment
GOC ground operations coordinator
GOCA ground operations control area
GOCO government-owned, contractor-operated
GOE ground operating equipment
GOE ground outfitting equipment
GOES geostationary operational environment satellite
GOES geosynchronous operational environmental satellite
GOM KSC ground operations manager at DFRF or WSMR
GOMMS ground operations and material management system
GOMS ground operations management system
GOP Ground Operations Panel
GOP ground operations plan
GOPG Ground Operations Planning Group
GOR ground operations review
GORD ground operations requirements document
GORP Ground Operations Review Panel
GORP ground operations requirements plan
GORR ground operation readiness review
GORS ground observer RF system
GOS ground operations system
GOSP ground operational support plan
GOSRP ground operational support requirements plan
GOSS ground operational support system
GOTS government off the shelf
GOWG Ground Operations Working Group
GP general publication (KSC)
GP general-purpose
GP government property
GPA general-purpose amplifier
GPAS general-purpose airborne simulator
GPBIM general-purpose buffer interface module
GPC gel permeation chromatograph
GPC gel permeation chromatography
GPC general-purpose computer
GPC gyro pulse count
GPCB GOAL program control block
GPCIPL general-purpose computer initial program load
GPD gimbal position display
GPI gimbal position indicator
GPI ground position indicator
GPIO general-purpose input and output
GPL GOAL processing language
GPL general-purpose laboratory
GPME general-purpose mission equipment
GPNDS global positioning and nuclear detection system
GPO Government Printing Office
GPRN GOAL test procedure release notice
GPRP government production research property
GPS Global Positioning System (Navstar)
GPS RX GPS user receiver
GPS general processing subsystem
GPS ground power supply
GPS ground processing simulation
GPSCP GPS computer program
GPSS general-purpose simulator system
GPSS general-purpose system simulator
GPTE general-purpose test equipment
GPU ground power unit
GPUR GOAL test procedure update request
GPVS general-purpose visual simulator
GR ground rule
GRACE ground radar calibration equipment
GRD ground detector
GRE Gamma Ray Explorer
GRID graphic retrieval and information display
GRNC group not counted
GRO Gamma Ray Observatory
GRS global receiving system
GRTLS glide return to launch site
GS II Generalized System II
GS gas servicer
GS generalized system
GS glide slope
GS ground speed
GS ground station
GS ground system
GSA General Services Administration
GSAT geosynchronous satellite
GSCU ground service cooling unit
GSDL Ground Software Development Laboratory
GSDS Goldstone duplicate standard (standard DSIF equipment)
GSE government support equipment
GSE ground servicing equipment
GSE ground support equipment
GSE&I general systems engineering and integration
GSEL ground support equipment list
GSERD ground support equipment recommendation data
GSF gyro scale factor
GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center
GSI glide slope indicator
GSI government source inspection
GSIG Ground Systems Integration Group
GSIU ground standard interface unit
GSLS ground station link survivability
GSO Ground Support Office
GSO ground support operations
GSO ground systems operations
GSP ground safety plan
GSP-R guidance signal processor-repeater
GSPF Ground Software Production Facility (LPS) (FR 2 KSC)
GSPO Ground Systems Project Office (JSC)
GSR galvanic skin response
GSS geosynchronous space station
GSS government systems sector
GSS ground support software
GSS ground support system
GSSC General Systems Simulation Center (NASA)
GSSC ground support simulation computer
GSSF general service stock fund
GSSI ground support system integration
GSSI&C ground support systems installation and checkout
GSSI&C group support systems integration and checkout
GST ground system test
GSTAR Saudi Arabian communications satellite
GSTDN ground space flight tracking and data network
GSTDN ground spacecraft tracking and data network
GSTP ground system test procedure
GSTS ground-based surveillance and tracking system
GSTS/BM ground-based surveillance and tracking sagement
GSU gas servicer unit
GSV glove stop valve
GSVOO ground station visibility of orbiting objects
GSVP ground support verification plan
GT ground team
GT ground test
GT gyro torque
GT&A ground test and acceptance
GTA gas tungsten arc
GTA ground test access
GTA ground test article
GTA ground test assembly
GTA ground torquing assembly
GTAW gas tungsten arc welding
GTC glycol trim console
GTC ground test conductor
GTCU ground thermal conditioning unit
GTE General Telephone and Electronics
GTF ground test facility
GTI Grand Turk Island
GTI ground test instrumentation
GTLV government-furnished target launch vehicle
GTM ground team manager
GTM ground test missile
GTM ground test motor
GTO generic technical order
GTO geosynchronous transfer orbit
GTP general test plan
GTRI Georgia Tech Research Institute
GTS GN&C test station
GTS GNS test station
GTS general test support
GTS guidance test station
GTT group technology time
GTU glycol trim unit
GTV ground test vehicle
GTV ground transport vehicle
GTVI gimbal angle and translational velocity indicator
GUCP ground umbilical carrier plate
GUIDO guidance officer
GUL GSE utilization list
GUSB guided, unified S-band
GVL Ground Vibrations Laboratory
GVO Gaviota (TACAN station)
GVSC generic VHSIC spacecraft computer
GVT ground vibration test
GVTA ground vibration test article
GW gateway
GW gross weight
GWA general work area
GWT ground winds tower
GYM Guaymas, Mexico (remote site)
GaAs gallium arsenide
GeV giga electron volt
Gr/Al graphite-aluminum
Gr/Ep graphite-epoxy
g gravity
gph gallons per hour
gpm gallons per minute
gps gallons per second